People who beg me for money. Stories and discussion thread.


Nov 29, 2004
This thread will be about people who beg me for money. I'm going to make this thread my log book of some of the crazy ways people beg for money. I will also discuss perhaps stories by others and ways they've been able to fend of some of these mooches.

Feel free to elaborate your stories as well and some of the tricky ways and tactics people use to get you to give them change. Please provide as much detail without providing names in order to protect the guilty.

Nov 29, 2004
When: November 2012

I was getting out of my car in a grocery store parking lot after work and this kid I'd say in his early 20's, wearing a flat bill cap, carrying a gas can, asks me for a couple of dollars to get gas. His story was that his car ran out of gas. I asked him where his car was and he pointed in the direction of a movie theater parking lot that was close by. I told him that I didn't know if I believed him but did offer to buy him a gallon of gas if he could show me his car and prove it was on empty. He said, "Sorry sir, I didn't mean to bother you." I told him it was ok and would be worth it on his part if we just walked over to his car and I'd get him the gas he needed. He was hesitant and we just begin to walk in the direction he pointed to earlier and then he all of a sudden stops and again apologizes for bothering me and told me to just forget it. I said, "Are you sure?", he said "Yeah, it's ok. Never mind." I just said alright and went about my business.

I like it when beggars bring props with them. I almost want to give them something just for the effort.

Nov 29, 2004
When: Early morning on Thursday 1/30/13.

I live near a park and sometimes will take my dog over there before work. This morning as I was waiting for my dog to do his business, I see this young black girl I'd say she must have been like a junior in high school, she coming walking across the park carrying her school bag, I didn't think much of it. My dog finally takes his shit and she's getting closer. My dog gets done and just as I'm bending over to pick up my dog's shit, she ask's "Excuse me sir, would you happen to have $2 so I can get to school?" I told her I didn't have any money on me at all (which was the truth, I didn't have fuckin' dime on me) as I'm bending over picking up the shit. As this is happening and after what I said, she gives me the glare stare as if she's entitled and thought I was lying. That look she gave me really pissed me off. Anyways, she ended up walking away and I couldn't help but wonder why she doesn't just take the school bus instead of public transport. All in all I "think" she was lying but I was taken off guard because this was a first of being asked for money from such a young kid.

Told this to a buddy at work and he told me his response to beggars is, "Do I look like the charitable type?" He says this works for him and I think I'll give it a try. I will let you know of the kinds of responses I get when I decide to use this providing I think of it.

Nov 29, 2004
When: 2/19/13
Where: In this thread
Time: 7:11 PM Pacific

Came back in here to lurk around and saw someone had posted in this thread. I thought, "Oh good, someone else has a story to share.". Disapointed. Come to find out username Rambo came in here begging for money.

Rambo, Do I seem like the charitable type? Let me answer that for you, answer is Hell Fucking NO!. But thanks for asking.
Sep 21, 2004
My first time to Las Vegas, I was at the Alladin and I had some guy come up to me and a buddy with a gold ring. He had the greatest story ever that I do not even remember , but he sold me. The one thing I remember about the guy more that anything was he had this huge boil thing on his lower jaw. Looked like the guy had a golf ball surgically implanted under his skin. Anyways, I bought it and of course it was fake. Had my buddies finger green in no time. That was the first time I learned that they could put the fake 10k or 14k stamp on something even when it was fake.
Sep 21, 2004
When I owned my neighborhood bar, I had more beggars for shit than I can even remember. I also bought more shit from people on the cheap, it was crazy. I remember once I was bitching because my clothes drier at home was broken. By closing time I had a brand new kenmore elite for $100. I have more power tools than some small hardware stores. I have now gotten to a point where I wish I had not bought the tools from the guys, because I do feel bad for the working joes that spent $200 or whatever only to have some rock head steal it and get $12 for it.

I never ever got beat-I just run out of Money
Jun 17, 2007
This has been a while back. But I stopped to get gas and while pumping the gas a guy walks up ask me for some money so he could get something to eat, and there is a Popeyes Chicken across the street from the gas station so I told him when I finished I would go across the street and get him something to eat he looks at the Popeyes Chicken turns back at me and said I don't like chicken. I said you're not very hungry then and got in my truck and drove off.

Nov 29, 2004
This has been a while back. But I stopped to get gas and while pumping the gas a guy walks up ask me for some money so he could get something to eat, and there is a Popeyes Chicken across the street from the gas station so I told him when I finished I would go across the street and get him something to eat he looks at the Popeyes Chicken turns back at me and said I don't like chicken. I said you're not very hungry then and got in my truck and drove off.

Well done.

Something tells me that you would've gone over and actually bought the guy some chicken if he followed through. Came across a homeless man one time about 7 years ago in front of a grocery store and he didn't ask for anything and didn't bother anyone. I couldn't help but ask if he needed anything like some money or a beer. He said no! He didn't drink and really was just hungry. He said he wouldn't mind if I got him a can of vienna sausage and a water. I got it for him.

Nov 29, 2004
Made it through February without any incidence.

Tonight I was at the gas station filling up and a guy with a bucket came up to me asking if he could wash my windows for a nickel or a dime. I said no. He said he was sorry to bother me and I said it was alright. I don't know if this qualifies as a beggar since he did offer window washing services but he did seem like the homeless type. First time someone offered to wash my windows for just a nickel or a dime though. Times must be tough for that guy.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I was sitting @ a traffic light one day and noticed a guy holding a sign. It read, " Will work cheap!". I rolled my window down and told the guy that I needed some grass cut. He asked me, "what it pay?" and I replied, " Twenty bucks". He then said, " That's a little TOO cheap!" ... The light changed and I rolled on.

New member
Oct 23, 2004
I live in Chicago and work downtown, so I get hit up by bums multiple times a day. My best story:

One evening, I was at a bowling alley and stepped outside to smoke a cigarette. While outside, a young (early-20s) white man with decent clothes and a baseball cap approached me. He told me has was from Valpo, IN and came into town via train for the weekend to visit friends and was getting ready to leave to go back home. He asked me for directions to the train station and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket which described which station he was departing from, which train, etc. He's just asking for directions, and he has paper with his train info on it...seems legit, right? I told him how to get there and he thanked me. Just as he was about to walk off, he turned and began his spiel. He told me he was supposed to leave the night before but he was mugged prior to getting to the train station. Three black guys jumped him and beat him into unconsciousness and then stole his wallet which contained all of his money and train tickets. The train tickets were $40, and if I could lend him the $40 he promised to pay me back by wiring me the money as soon as he got back to home. He pleaded that he was just a normal guy but in a bad situation and assured I would get the money back. I told him I didn't have any money and he just walked away. I figured it was a bullshit story but whatever...back inside to bowl.

About 6 months later, I was at work one day and left to go grab some lunch. (Keep in mind, my work is about a mile or so away from the bowling alley that I was at that evening.) As I was walking to grab a bite, a young man approached me, wearing a ball cap and asking me if I had just a second. He looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. Just as he was about to ask me something, he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket with some handwriting on it. I immediately realized it was the same guy from before and this was a scam. As he asked me for directions to the train station, I cut him off and told him he wasn't getting a fucking penny. He stopped, and looked at me as if "how dare you." He then said, "Excuse me, sir, but I wasn't asking for money. I'm only asking for directions to the train station as I'm from out of town. How RUDE of you!" I told him I knew he was full of shit because he tried pulling the same scam on me about 6 months ago. He quickly took off down the street.

I went about my business and about 30 minutes later I was walking back to work when I come across the guy AGAIN talking to an older woman. He had that piece of paper with his train info in his hand, showing it to the lady, and giving her that BS story, as she was digging into her purse to give him money - I saw her pull out at least a $20. I didn't do anything but continue on my way back to the office because I figured that lady was a dumbass for falling for his scam. However, I regret thinking that. She was just trying to do the right thing and the scammer was taking advantage of her kindness. I probably should've said something to the lady. Oh well, I guess we all have to learn a lesson the hard way sometimes.

Aside from the above instance, I get hit up all of the time. Chicago must be the bum capital of America. Usually, I just ignore bums. Sometimes that makes them mad and they start running their mouths. Then I tell them to fuck off, get a job, etc. Threaten to whoop their ass and they shut up and move on. There have been a few times I have told the bum I don't have any money and received a look back like I'm an asshole for not giving them money - like I owe it to them. I've even been called a liar (that I did in fact have money on me) a few times.

Occasionally, I feel generous and hand out a buck or two but that is only to the ones who are playing an instrument or actually doing something. Almost every time I see a sign that says "Need money for beer" or something honest and comparable, I will throw down a donation.

Nov 29, 2004
Great story Hookem! The first time you come across people like this and you turn them down anyways, you can't help but wonder if they were telling the truth. It's hard sometimes to not want to help but it's the scammers who ruin it for the honest people. I think that's awesome you came across the same guy about six months later seeing him pull his shit! Glad you put the f'er in his place! Feel bad for the old lady though. These scammers are getting better and better with thier hard luck stories but in a way I find it entertaining.

Nov 29, 2004
3/16/13 late at night

Pulled in a gas station to get a bottle water. As I was walking up to the doors a beggar was standing there and I wasn't sure if he was going to ask because lately these guys haven't been bothering me but just as I'm about 2 feet away he pops it, "Excuse me sir, (mumble) some change (mumble)...". I didn't stop and didn't say anything back, I just kept walking into the store.

New member
May 5, 2012
so Im coming out the gas station and some old brother beggar says he want to show me something just as I am shutting
the car door.

He lifts his shirt and Im thinking , cmon man I know you are not about to flash a gun in this
semi public area, my heart rate goes up real fast

Turns out he just wanted to show me his fucked up scars and then begs for money.
I have no money to give him but there is a shit load of pennies in my change holder (over 50 maybe close to 100) so Im
like you can have all these if it will help you.

Sum bitch said he couldnt use any pennies.
Hilarious cuz Im pretty sure he was a legit beggar, guess he
has some entitlement issues going on, the pennies were beneath him.

Nov 29, 2004
Ever since I started this thread I've been bothered less. Amazing these beggars have web access on the street!

Nov 29, 2004
Pulled in to a gas station this morning and this guy I'd say in his late 20's to early 30's, wearing a red cap, was walking his bike. He looked clean (not a street bum) and he was about 15 feet away from me and he pops the question, "Hey man, I'm trying to get to work and was wondering if you could help me out with a couple of bucks for the bus, can you help?" I was waiting for this moment for some time now as I wanted to use my friends advice and I answered back, "Do I look like the charitable type?" He said "No, no you don't but I was hoping maybe you could help so I can get to work." I replied, "Good Luck!". He started to walk away and said thanks. He was nice about the whole thing but I just didn't have it in me to help the guy.

Bus money seems to be a very common beg. These people when they leave their house or apartment they leave knowing damn well they are going to beg for bus money at the bus stop and these god damn bus stops are always near a gas station. Mostly these people are lying, I know, but come on, if you really need bus money make sure you don't leave your house without bringing some money with you.

She is either funnin' or bunnin' or else I am runn
May 18, 2012
In sunny Costa Rica, there is an older woman (Dona Victoria) who begs for money across from the Mcdonalds next to the national stadium. She is sweet, blesses me and my wife when we give and from what she says, has to beg for money to help support her father. If she is 60+, pops must be 80+.

Long story short, if I am stopped at the light, I will give. If traffic is flowing, I do not stop. She probably gets about $5 from me weekly for the past 2 years. In addition, she had asked for a pair of sneakers for her dad, I got those for her at Christmas.

For some reason, this charity makes me feel good. I am cool with that and she and I have made an effort to make nice when we see each other.

I have heard through the grapevine, that many x employees of mine have been seen downtown buming for change. A fall from grace from when I remember a time when they were hitting the phones and making $ with me. Now, they beg for crack and dumpster dive.

this is a solid thread and the other stories shared have given me food for thought.

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