Peep- I've had it with Dog.

I've had it with Dog. We're trying to have a thread with no crap in it and no self promoting. I tried to be nice and respectful to Dog as you can tell by previous posts today. He comes in the RR picks thread and starts posting his record again. The only thing this guy is good for is stroking Ken. Look in offshore he's at it again. I know this is the RR but can you keep this suck up from promoting down here?
Record and thread are gone, I think you missed the part above. No , peep cannot help you with me in the RR, but If you asked me I would have removed it, like I just did. I will also edit this If you could please remove this thread.
Go Fvck yourself Dog. I'm through being nice to you. I tried and it doesn't work. Go delete all the threads you want. It's too late.

Your bud suggested I was a fade, I just pointed to the facts, DOnt mistake me being nice here with me backing down to you Raiders. I am just tired and dont feel like headaches, But I got tylenol. You also ignore the fact that I voluntary remove myself from a thread In the RR that Ido not have to. I was respectful
Your threats work with the little kids that pay you money for your shit picks. It doesn't work done here. Your excuse are getting tiresome. We have a great threa in the RR picks with lots of useful info and you have to shit it up. No one cares or needs you down here.
no threats pal. I am pointing to facts. Perhaps Calm down and see I was just being accomadating. I even referred to the energy of the thread.I did not want to spoil it if your bud objected. NO need for this Raiders

Yesterday you posted this to Dogball In the Monday Picks thread you started.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> posted 02-17-03 08:54 PM
Dog- I have no problem with you discussing the games down here with us as long as no one else objects.
Posts: 1130 | From: Chicago, IL | Registered: 09-12-02 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Which I assume was an invitation for him to post in the picks thread.

Today you are doing a "help Peep", this man has no respect thread.

Like either you invited him or you didn't. Looks to me like you did.

What am I missing here?
Boring story. I posted tonight again. Game loses, someone came on here and said I should not post here. Raiders was nice enough to put it to vote, which was fair. I said respectfully I will not post, No need to vote it defys spirit of thread. Then my game tonigt loses. Someone says I am a fade, after I allready agree to leave thread, I say I was 5-0 yday. Thats it. Raiders posts this, I say its not a problem, lets move on and leave air clear. I erase 5-0 comment from thread as well.
Peep- True, yesterday and today I tried once again to be nice to Dog. The only thing I asked him to do was to not promote himself in here. No one posts personal records, we are trying to make it a team effort. Then he posts in the RR picks thread how he went 5-0 in another thread. It's exactly what we are trying to get away from.
This was written by Dicky on the top of the thread.

By DickyW-
What I do not like to see is posters listing there personal records. This thread should be about posting picks & opinions only, who gives a shit what a individual's record is? This is the RR we care less if you post winners or losers we only care about your pick, fade, and any other useful imfo. No need to waste space bumping up the thread recaping your night, Raiders does that the following day for us. I just don't want to see the Rubber Room turning into the other forums with all the "Got inside imfo" and "Went 6-0 hope you all got down" crap. This is a team effort and unlike some of the other forums were adults we don't hold anyone accountable for losers and compliment the winners. Now lets just let this thread be filled with the juicy stuff picks, opinions, comments and all the other things Raiders asked for.
I feel we have a great group of guys in that thread. If Dog were going to add something productive it would have been fine. But the guys just in there for himself. You're part of that thread Peep so you know what it's about.
What are you missing, I said the same damn thing about the energy of thread.
That is why I said i would leave as soon as 1 guy objected. You said vote, I said no reason. YOu misunderstand why I said my record, I was being a gentleman about whole thing. Forget it and GL
Posted by Irish

posted 02-18-03 09:44 PM
I say why do we need touts??????? Of course his loser tonight on ECU may have fade potential but we can probably go find his plays on our own. However the whole thing behind it I thought was for free guys to help each other, not a guy promoting the hell out of himself in every post. We don't even keep records, I hope we stay as far away from these lowlifes as we can.

I will go by the decision of the others who participate here but not Zacky and Wiomese Hacker and other Dogball "clients" who have mysteriously suddenly appeared to prop themselves. Err, I mean to prop Dogball. Their leader and collector of their dolllars, LOL, for the rights to all of his valuable picks. LMAO.

How's that NBA stuff coming? LOL....
Peep- I have absolutely no respect for Dog. I know that you are the top guy here but you still work for Shrink. In the things you write you take the side that you believe in even disagreeing with Shrink on occassion. This suckup Dog makes me sick to my stomach. Now that he thinks he's getting something from the Rx he kisses up so bad to all the mods and Ken that it makes me want to puke. How can anyone respect a man like this. Anyone over the age of 20 sees right through him.
Peep - Raiders was working with him but he can't resist touting himself all over the forum. Just like his to show where he is from, only there to show up on every single post from this guy. Isn't that getting around the spirit of one URL a day? I expect others will find out what this guy is all about as time passes.

He took information I posted about my family and friends getting beat by NAB and turned that around into me stealing the money and being partners with that book. Said he had proof I stole from my own family!!! Talk about a cheap shot. This arrogant asshole will try and beat down anyone who ever crosses him or disagrees with him. If you can do him a favor than he will kiss your ass until he is done with you. It's gross watching this guy work. Peep I know this tout thing is your idea and how bad you want it to work but PLEASE at least keep an open eye to what Dogball is showing himself to be. If a few touts don't work out doesn't mean the program is a failure. In the next two weeks I hope to have another conference call with you and Ken so we can discuss this. No reason for him to shit all over the forum like this propping himself like an idiot. The minute anyone questions him on anything he gets the attacks I have endured of late. Does this lawyer really need to make a sale here every night?

I hope I have some credibility over the years I have known Ken that he listen to me on this one. This is getting pathetic. He can post anywhere else he wants but comes in the RR with the regulars posting his record? The only play he listed here was a loser, I know because I had the other side of it. End of story. Just like his 10-0 record he alleges he had posted elsewhere the other night and then some folks from his site showed up to tell us about this is more shit from this guy. I have some stuff I will be sharing with you in the near future.....
Dog- You're pathetic. You post a private email of Irish's. You threaten me with your FBI friends. You email me about how much the higher ups at the Rx like you and how much the posters love you. Then to top it off you sh*t up the RR picks thread. You're a parasite.
Guys, the RR knows very few limits, but there are some which I have pushed in the past.

From what is mentioned above, this is not worthy of RR moderation.

Let if fly, 72, that is part of the RR..guys say what they wanna say.

Snake Picks
I agree with you that anything goes in the RR. The RR picks thread is a serious pick thread and Dog's trying to use it to promote himself.

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