Hopefully Radatz and Cooper will actually MODERATE and fact check, instead of just letting the Candidates Interrupt, Go Over Time, and Lie at will.
We already know Chris Wallace in the final debate will not hold the candidates feet to the fire on the lies. Radatz and Cooper may be the only chance.
New DNC leaks just came out. I am sick to my stomach reading some of this shit. The corruption that is taking place behind people's backs is more than any of us can have imagined. Everything these crooked cunts do in public is for show. The real action takes place behind the scenes. Constantly begging for money from large donors. DCLEaks.com
We doing NBA team total bets this year?
Actually did it with a friend when they came out on Sept 20th. Just easier w/o having to use playplal. They came out early this year. So I'm gonna pass, maybe 1 of the other guys will do it with you.
I thought the #'s were fairly solid this year at first glance, saw a few I liked.
You got any locks?
She should pay you deplorables the most for nominating Donald Trump, lmao!!! That's the biggest gift you could have given her.
As the election gets closer I see those dollar signs rolling around in your head, 10 trillion, 20 trillion, healthcare, childcare, entitlements, infrastructure, subsidies. The list is endless.
How can you not vote for the King of Debt?
Because he made fun of a disabled guy or said a former POW wasn't a war hero? Who cares, this is high stakes. Do you wanna blow a hole in the deficit or not?