Pay per Head - #1 Bookie Website Services


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Jun 9, 2015
Pay per Head Experience

With a total of *over 30 years* experience in the offshore betting industry, Price per Head is simply the most professional choice for all bookmakers.

Experts will take care of every detail so that you don’t have to.

We don’t just have cs reps, we do things the right way treating every single one of your players as if they were the most important one we have.

Round the Clock Bookie Services

We offer 24 hour service on All Sports, Horses and Casino Games. This is why so many agents have brought their business to Price Per Head.

We will walk you through each step, and help you take full advantage of the most modern tools to succeed in managing your player’s package effectively from abroad, with full confidentiality.

PPH utilizes the finest wagering software available worldwide.

Price per Head Accuracy

You and your players can rest assured that all wagers will be recorded clearly, accurately and instantaneously, whether by phone or over the Internet.

All account balances (yours and your players) will be accurate and up-to-the-minute.

Your players will enjoy 24/7 access to sports, horses and casino games with just ONE LOGIN and will appreciate knowing where they stand at any point in time.

You‘ll have a mountain of up-to-date information at your fingertips, and you probably won‘t miss the daily drudgery of setting/moving lines, taking/grading wagers, and calculating player balances.

With all the time you‘ll be saving, you can concentrate on growing your business, or just kicking back and enjoying life.

PPH Player Management

One attractive feature of our player management program is that each player has a single account covering all wagering activities (sports, horses and casino games).

This makes it simple for the player, and much easier for the agent to track that player‘s wagering activity.

You are able to monitor all of your players accounts online or by phone. Our full pay per head guide will show you more on how to use that feature.

Each player will be able to wager on sports, horses and casino games with a single account, thus making your job simpler.

Here are a few amazing features of our unique and custom made cost per head service:

1 – Custom Price per Head Software
Our software is unique. It isn’t DGS, ASI or any of the common sportsbook software that is used commonly in our industry. Instead we created our own software. This allows us a MUCH Greater degree of customization and product quality control.

See many times when you ask for a change and they take forever and can’t do it? Most of the time it is lazzines, but some times it is due to the software being someone else’s. They simply can’t change many features. Like living in a rented house, there are restrictions.

Since we here at Price Per Head have created our own software, you and your players will be able to access a highly customized and refined product.

Furthermore, since the software is OURs and we have a large development team of programmers, if you need something special you get it! That is one of many advantages of going with a company that has enough scale to create their own product instead of reselling someone else’s.

2- More Profit Boosting Features Than ANY of our Competitors
Sports betting is a seasonal activity. Sure, after football there is always March Madness and some bookies even make some money during baseball, but for the most part, between February and September it can be a little hard to manage cash flow issues.

That is why we have more features than any of our competitors for you to offer your players.

The first one we must mention is horse racing. We cover all the major tracks, with up to date lines and quality horse racing software.

The best part of our racebook is we give it to you… FOR FREE! Yeap, if you pay your $10/head, you get horses as a freebie.

Another freebie we give away for FREE that most don’t offer is Lottery. We give odds on all major lotteries across the US and Canada. This feature has proven to boost customer spending by an average of $500+/year. Not much, but if you have 20 players that can start to add up.

We also provide you with free parley cards and office pool software.

Other special features we provide you that can boost your revenue include Poker, Live Casino and Digital Casino – These extras have an additional cost though.

3- The Only TRULY Reliable and Customer Satisfaction Oriented PPH Shop
We are obssesive about reliability.

You see, one day many years ago the owner of Price Per Head had one of his own players try to place a $75k wagers just before kick off.

The shop he was using had downtime JUST as this square whale placed his wager. Because of that, the wager did not go through. It was a losing wager.

Those 32 minutes of downtime cost the owner of this company over $2k/minute.

After that, he decided he would create his own shop.

A place where EVERYONE in the company understood the importance of doing their job right. Especially IT.

That is why we have invested so heavily in getting the best servers, in hiring the best programmers, project managers and Quality Assurance staff.

We make sure EVERYTHING is ALWAYS running for you.

We make sure you and your customers are taken are of.

When you call in for a change, you get someone on the other end of the line who KNOWS WHAT he is doing.

Your changes many times get applied in the moment, during your call. That means you won’t have to wait 24 hours or more just to limit a player on something, or get some tiny thing done.

We know you and your players are doing business, and we treat your business as if it were our own. With care and quality in EVERYTHING being done.


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