One for Early Speed


New member
Sep 21, 2004
lonestar r2. Get out the spoon and go for the supe!

5,8,9 with 5,8,9 with 5,8,9,1,4 with 5,8,9,1,4.

The 1 will take a boat load of cash at the windows. Our buddy Dana ("B" from PA-land) saw me whack my leg to death trying to get SAINT SABATES up for place last March so I could cash that race with the 39-1 on top. Problems with this horse now, tho!

-this hoss was bought for 130k, now is up for a 30k tag. Beck is an aggressive owner, but not a dumb one.

-in his only race he was ALL OUT to get up for place. Something had to go wrong in that race for him to be on the sideline for 3 months. The works look too easy for a Calhoun star. He fired 3 bullets before his debut, now he walks around the track in the morns. Huh...

Time to swaing for da feces, er fences, compadre. Don't short-arm the supe ticket.

Of course, the hoss could air. Could happen, esp with Eddie up. But, these are the types to load up against when ya git a chance.

Later, dude.

p.s. give karlosporner a kiss fer me, will youse.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Nice to see you over here Flankkatus

Nice write up to boot--I think I may take a swing at these

I just posted to Karl over at PAs after he made a lame comment to me about posting BEFORE the races!

and for anyone reading this--Flankatus is a professional bettor (no other source of income)
If we are nice to him he may give us a few steamers!
Who am I trying to kid??This is the f/ucking RR...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Have to look for 2 more pigs in the super ticket, Early Speed.

Trainer for #6 gets half her fts in the money & had an fts run respectably tonight. Have to put her on the bottom of that supe ticket along with another pig, #3. The 3 has run better than par early and late & drops in class. Your local s/w program buddy likes that angle & clued me onto it a bit.

Don't think they'll get into the ex, but can't leave em outta the supe.

If they all look ok in the paddock, I'll likely play ex's with the 5,8,9 in combos & leave the supe alone. If the 1 looks like he's comatose or sore, reach deep.

Btw, our buddy "B" from PAs caught onto physicality capping pretty damn fast. The dude hauled out about 2k or better in his last week & a half at the live races in Houston before he left for TamperBay. I think he gave some back betting FG in the simo, but that boy can ass- cap at the track pretty damn good.

Maybe he can swing by Calder and give ol' Karlosporner a hug for us, eh?

'luck today.

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