Okay I will tell RPM but there`s a stipulation!

If I reveal my honest business and when RPM finds out that it is legit and works just how I say it does , I want my Board
membership back..

That will prove once and for all what I said was true all along!

And I want a line as long as a world series ticket window with apologies...

Now get me my Board rights back!

I was maybe the first one Peep asked back when it was in its infancy, damnit and I want my rights back! I`M NOT PETER EDWARD ROSE

I hope everyone gets paid!
i doubt that will fly. if you want to remove the stipulation, just let me know.
Thats my stipulation......I want my access back!

I hope everyone gets paid!
I want, I want, I want, I want...whaaa, whaaa, whaa...

"A toliet seat made of gold, but it just isn't in the cards now is it?"

Simple Game.
it doesn`t matter really but I`m like kid when they`re told they can`t have something I want it...

I love when these guys get all bent out of shape...hehehehehe

I hope everyone gets paid!
Cecil and Dic Dekay...my two favorite little girl wussies....always talking trash to me....damn the internet world can make people feel so bad...

I hope everyone gets paid!

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
Journeyman, you have to be the biggest loser that I have EVER seen on the net!!! Who the hell would care if they were a damn moderator or not??? Why is that so important to you??? Are you like 10 years old??? Get a life or a wife and get out of here. Anyone who makes 6370 post in 6 months is either a hugeeee loser or a fan of child porn who likes to spend his down time on this site. Stop bitching and take a break!! Find a hobby!! Do you even bet on the games?? how do you ahve the time to do anything else when making about 200 posts a day!!!!

New member
Feb 20, 2002
Dudes need to all simmer.

Never forget when the going got rough the words "LETS ROLL" rang out.......Late, GMON

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