Why are we importing these people and letting them go to places like Ohio State University?
Thats the "KEY QUESTION" of Our Times.
While one hopes, of course, that the answer to that is NOT:
"Because there is Great Power and a hell of a lot of money to be made
as result of a Terrorized and Fearful Population."
We fully know, within our Hearts and Minds, that the fact that so many of the largest $$$ supporters of our Politicians
and those Politicians themselves benefiting so MUCH as result of Innocent American People getting slaughtered
and such people as pictured above being imported over here...
its not a "coincidence."
That such people are brought here, sent to our universities, given money by our Government to purchase Weaponry
and the totally real and true fact that a Terrorized American Population = so much more $$$ making paths for them and their supporters
and so much more Power, so vastly more easily gained than were there no such people being brought over here.
Likely 83 out of every 100 American just flat out does not wanna hear it, regardless of how true it is:
The Answer We need to hear though, and that until We Hear we have no real Hope for True Freedom here is...
"Just How many American Lives have been sacrificed, willfully and intentionally, by our Government? Our Politicians...
...so as to accomplish their Goals of Greed and Lust for Power, Control over us?"
Seek an answer to that question, face unpleasant realities about your Government and your World
or don't.
I no longer really care what "you guys" (meaning: The American People) do, really....partly bcuz you allow idiots to be in Power, idiots like Nancy Pelosi
and you guys do nothing to stave off what in a few years will see The Minority Vote (The Vote of Black & Brown) dominate your elections.
You leave to your Grandkids a totally fucked up mess, the most dangerous country possible filled with Black and Brown Killing Machines
and you completely and totally do not give even a portion of a Fuck.
I think the use of Pharmaceutical Drugs has disabled your ability to Care.
About stuff that Humans care about. Stuff that every generation of Man before you cared about.
I believe that a good percent of the American People are Mentally Crippled. And that Big Pharma is the culprit, and that this was, to some degre done on purpose in order to create a more docile populous.
A people just as you guys are. Uncaring about even protecting your own Young, from this:
or this:
Caring about people who care nothing themselves about anything other than getting lucky
so that The Terror does not impact their lives personally is a total waste of time.
Caring for people who care more about presenting a fake face to the world that screams: "I am Not Racist"
than they care about American Children not having to exist in a place amidst 3rd world shithole cockroaches who worship a God that demands of them that they kill those children, after raping them...
Caring for such a people is a total waste of time and energy.
Anyways....you may be just getting what you guys (WE) deserve.
Educate Yourself of The Sand Creek Massacre, what we did to other tribes of people who did not desire to fight.
People who begged us, from their knees, to not kill them.
But We still did.
And Women.
Continue to allow Liberals to Bash You, you that once Proud White Male, descended from guys who built this country and are responsible for lives of Comfort way being anything those now condemning White Males would ever have in any other country on this planet, thanks solely to WHITE NON-GAY MEN just continue along la-de-da to permit them to blast your brain with imagery via the commercials they inundate you with that...
"The Model Man NOW, Today.....is Pajama Boy.
And not you Macho Fucks. Fuck You. regardless.....of the fact that you made all of this for us."
Allow the Weakest amongst you to keep on making these vile mentally diseased noises that they make.
What do YOU CARE? Right?
Research how many Women & Kids we killed in Iraq, under Dick Cheney's Halliburton Easter Egg Hunt, where the hidden eggs were
the lives of Iraqi Children.
Or Don't.
Find out anything. At all.
Just Remain calm, blind and locked away in your Mental Bunker.
Where No Light gets in.
Where, as result....great Darkness, Fear and Horrific Terror is what you will leave to your Great Grand-daughter.