Ohio State University reports active shooter on campus.


Nov 4, 2009
Why are we importing these people and letting them go to places like Ohio State University?


Thats the "KEY QUESTION" of Our Times.

While one hopes, of course, that the answer to that is NOT:

"Because there is Great Power and a hell of a lot of money to be made

as result of a Terrorized and Fearful Population."

We fully know, within our Hearts and Minds, that the fact that so many of the largest $$$ supporters of our Politicians

and those Politicians themselves benefiting so MUCH as result of Innocent American People getting slaughtered

and such people as pictured above being imported over here...

its not a "coincidence."

That such people are brought here, sent to our universities, given money by our Government to purchase Weaponry

and the totally real and true fact that a Terrorized American Population = so much more $$$ making paths for them and their supporters

and so much more Power, so vastly more easily gained than were there no such people being brought over here.

Likely 83 out of every 100 American just flat out does not wanna hear it, regardless of how true it is:

The Answer We need to hear though, and that until We Hear we have no real Hope for True Freedom here is...

"Just How many American Lives have been sacrificed, willfully and intentionally, by our Government? Our Politicians...

...so as to accomplish their Goals of Greed and Lust for Power, Control over us?

Seek an answer to that question, face unpleasant realities about your Government and your World

or don't.

I no longer really care what "you guys" (meaning: The American People) do, really....partly bcuz you allow idiots to be in Power, idiots like Nancy Pelosi

and you guys do nothing to stave off what in a few years will see The Minority Vote (The Vote of Black & Brown) dominate your elections.

You leave to your Grandkids a totally fucked up mess, the most dangerous country possible filled with Black and Brown Killing Machines

and you completely and totally do not give even a portion of a Fuck.

I think the use of Pharmaceutical Drugs has disabled your ability to Care.

About stuff that Humans care about. Stuff that every generation of Man before you cared about.

I believe that a good percent of the American People are Mentally Crippled. And that Big Pharma is the culprit, and that this was, to some degre done on purpose in order to create a more docile populous.

A people just as you guys are. Uncaring about even protecting your own Young, from this:


or this:


Caring about people who care nothing themselves about anything other than getting lucky

so that The Terror does not impact their lives personally is a total waste of time.

Caring for people who care more about presenting a fake face to the world that screams: "I am Not Racist"

than they care about American Children not having to exist in a place amidst 3rd world shithole cockroaches who worship a God that demands of them that they kill those children, after raping them...

Caring for such a people is a total waste of time and energy.

Anyways....you may be just getting what you guys (WE) deserve.

Educate Yourself of The Sand Creek Massacre, what we did to other tribes of people who did not desire to fight.

People who begged us, from their knees, to not kill them.

But We still did.


And Women.

Continue to allow Liberals to Bash You, you that once Proud White Male, descended from guys who built this country and are responsible for lives of Comfort way being anything those now condemning White Males would ever have in any other country on this planet, thanks solely to WHITE NON-GAY MEN just continue along la-de-da to permit them to blast your brain with imagery via the commercials they inundate you with that...

"The Model Man NOW, Today.....is Pajama Boy.

And not you Macho Fucks. Fuck You. regardless.....of the fact that you made all of this for us."

Allow the Weakest amongst you to keep on making these vile mentally diseased noises that they make.

What do YOU CARE? Right?

Research how many Women & Kids we killed in Iraq, under Dick Cheney's Halliburton Easter Egg Hunt, where the hidden eggs were

the lives of Iraqi Children.

Or Don't.

Find out anything. At all.

Just Remain calm, blind and locked away in your Mental Bunker.

Where No Light gets in.

Where, as result....great Darkness, Fear and Horrific Terror is what you will leave to your Great Grand-daughter.



Jul 14, 2007
There was a scene in Sopranos when AJ's buddies beat the shit out of some Somali kid for no reason at their college. I wanna link the video and say maybe that is why the kid went off the deep end.

But too soon.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
Why are we importing these people and letting them go to places like Ohio State University?


Isn't this a picture from a Tom Hanks movie?

Yes, it is.

So, what you have posted is a group of Somali immigrants who are working as actors in legitimate jobs.

Jan 20, 2002
The liberals again make excuses for guns. IT IS FUCKING ISLAM. GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR FUCKING ASSES. IT IS ALWAYS ISLAM. THEIR IMAMS PREACH THIS SO IT IS NO SURPRISE THAT IT HAPPENS. We need to infiltrate the mosques, deport the imams, deport those that espousing violence. We need to stop accepting any more Syrian refugees.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You realize Obama is the President, right, idiot?

I'm glad you are admitting that terrorist attacks are a problem under President Obama.

So Trump is responsible for the market gains.....you do realize Obama is the president right?

what a dumb fuck

Nov 4, 2009
Isn't this a picture from a Tom Hanks movie?

Yes, it is.

So, what you have posted is a group of Somali immigrants who are working as actors in legitimate jobs.


This needs to be the topic of Discussion, on this matter.

Accuracy of posted images.

And not the fact that Somali Men are among the most mentally damaged. utterly irredeemable and soul-less Killing Machines

on Planet Earth.

9/10 of all the comments you bring = language one would expect to find in a Proposition proposing we Approve of The Planting of Ticking Timebomb Black & Brown Killing Machines

amidst our kids.

You're a strange dude Johnny.

I'm curious what has led you to this point, where Defending Them is all that matters to you and this is completely unimportant, to you:


What gets a guy to a place in "life" where Terrorist Lives matter more to him than the Safety of Children, within his country, JohnnyMac?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I bet he did, imbecile!

And you have all sorts of facts and proof of this too!


Everybody knows this......the influx of NYC homeless and criminals went up in states like PA. You should check the Allentown problem during Rudy "cleanup" of NYC. Arrests spikes in pa and other neighboring states were due to Rudy.

Damn you are very stupid.

Jan 20, 2002
What a surprise, the guys name is Mohamed. This is how they honor the prophet. By the way, the market is moving up based upon the perception that Trump will be good for business and the economy.

Nov 4, 2009
What a surprise, the guys name is Mohamed. This is how they honor the prophet. By the way, the market is moving up based upon the perception that Trump will be good for business and the economy.

Of Course his name is fucking Mohammed

and Of Course we have people marching in our streets demanding we let more Mohammeds in here.

I mean....how else could it be?


Trump Presidency will present a chance for us to Rise.

Hopefully We do that.

If We don't then We deserve whatever comes.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
What a surprise, the guys name is Mohamed. This is how they honor the prophet. By the way, the market is moving up based upon the perception that Trump will be good for business and the economy.

Lol.....of course. Trumps America will be lots of deaths. Unfortunately it's the biggest con in history. Good luck with it.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I bet he did, imbecile!

And you have all sorts of facts and proof of this too!


as mayor of NYC, he can only clean up NYC

if the crime moved to safer havens, it's up to those cities to do what Rudy did

Hence, we need STRONG leadership to clean up the cities, their mayors have failed them

Nov 4, 2009
Lol.....of course. Trumps America will be lots of deaths. Unfortunately it's the biggest con in history. Good luck with it.

Bullshit. Divine Providence has presented us with A way Out.

A path to avoiding the Terror that would otherwise have been.

Not just for us but for other parts of this planet, such as Sweden who will have a chance to reverse immigration policies that could literally cause Sweden to cease to exist, by the year 2032, and become a Muslim Majority country.

Yes, a possibility exists that Trump caves, after he gets "The Talk" and sees just how much money Terror & Americans dying at the hands of Mohammed earns that Wealthiest 1%

after he grasps how huge of an Industry Terror is, on so many levels..

Possibility that he SWITCHES COURSE and supports Mass Immigration, 100 thousands of additional Mohammeds here....

and your fondest wish, your dream of seeing as many American Children blown up, shot up, carved up and lying dead in the street

or in their classrooms

comes to be. For You.

But Hopefully.....that does not happen.

What was the exact name of The Demon that gave birth to you, vitterd?

The Beast whose womb you slithered out of.

What was His Name?

Just Curious.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Bullshit. Divine Providence has presented us with A way Out.

A path to avoiding the Terror that would otherwise have been.

Not just for us but for other parts of this planet, such as Sweden who will have a chance to reverse immigration policies that could literally cause Sweden to cease to exist, by the year 2032, and become a Muslim Majority country.

Yes, a possibility exists that Trump caves, after he gets "The Talk" and sees just how much money Terror & Americans dying at the hands of Mohammed earns that Wealthiest 1%

after he grasps how huge of an Industry Terror is, on so many levels..

Possibility that he SWITCHES COURSE and supports Mass Immigration, 100 thousands of additional Mohammeds here....

and your fondest wish, your dream of seeing as many American Children blown up, shot up, carved up and lying dead in the street

or in their classrooms

comes to be. For You.

But Hopefully.....that does not happen.

What was the exact name of The Demon that gave birth to you, vitterd?

The Beast whose womb you slithered out of.

What was His Name?

Just Curious.

You really are a whacko. Using more words and blathering on about stuff nobody understands......is what maniacs do. I don't think you're all there mentally.

It will fly here because most are dipshits like you.....but please don't say this jibberish outside of here....they will put a white coat on you.

Nov 4, 2009
You really are a whacko. Using more words and blathering on about stuff nobody understands......is what maniacs do. I don't think you're all there mentally.

It will fly here because most are dipshits like you.....but please don't say this jibberish outside of here....they will put a white coat on you.

"Wishful Thinking."

100% of that Post.


Guys definitely understand exactly what I am saying vit cuz their own hearts & minds are saying the same thing and you best prepare to hear such said a whole lot more cuz there is a very large Bloc of people here in this country fixin' to say the same thing.

Previously Silent.

Well....they did do some "talking" on November 8, with the election of Mr. Trump.

They have a lot more to say though vit.

And You are going to sit the fuck down in your chair and listen.



You and your people had your say, vit

with stuff like this:


Our Turn To Speak

soon, vit.

Basic Message is gonna be:


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How many more innocent people need 2 die or be harmed before we admit that America, & the world, has an Islam problem? Ohio State University
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) November 28, 2016
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Nov 4, 2009
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="tr" dir="ltr">Allahummensurna Fi Halep<br>Allahummensurna Fi Turkiye<br>Allahummensurna Fi İslam<br>Allahummensurna Ummeti Muhammed <br> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Halep%C3%96l%C3%BCyor?src=hash">#HalepÖlüyor</a> <a href="https://t.co/eDhsZOEndz">pic.twitter.com/eDhsZOEndz</a></p>— Servet BEKİ (@bekiservet) <a href="https://twitter.com/bekiservet/status/803331378645442560">November 28, 2016</a></blockquote>
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Nov 4, 2009
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It's usually about this time a high profile 'progressive' western leader reminds us all that "Islam is the Religion of Peace"<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FakeNews?src=hash">#FakeNews</a></p>— Vive Charlie (@ViveCharlieMag) <a href="https://twitter.com/ViveCharlieMag/status/803338431648632833">November 28, 2016</a></blockquote>
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Nov 4, 2009
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I don't want to hear about peaceful Muslims. If the imams and ALL MULIMS ON THIS PLANET will not condemn these acts, they're just as guilty. </p>— kellyH (@rosamystica11) <a href="https://twitter.com/rosamystica11/status/803329659077279745">November 28, 2016</a></blockquote>
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Nov 4, 2009
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If you don't want people to believe Islam is violent why the fuck did you just threaten me with a slow painful death you crazy fuck???? https://t.co/xXauxvPXBe
— Blaire White ���� (@MsBlaireWhite) November 28, 2016
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Peaceful Muslim hopes I'm the next victim. Stay classy @_FRESHCOBAR_ pic.twitter.com/orSBFRwwvZ
— Blaire White ���� (@MsBlaireWhite) November 28, 2016
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Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Initial reports said his name was Ali Muhammad now i hear that`s who the car was registered to.

Fox news confirms this is his name......
Abdul Razak Ali Artan.

The vehicle involved in the incident is registered to Mohammad Ali from Columbus.

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