Offshore casino blackjack


Sep 21, 2004
Occasionally in the past I have tried my "luck" but I am really convinced that this is extremely rigged and I was wondering if anyone out there has any insight into this.Thanks
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
There have been Manyyyyyy times this subject has come up here at TheRx in the past Hoghead. In the end, the majority always seem to agree that online casinos CAN BE unfair. They have the ability to control difficulty levels which gives them the choice of making it easier, or making it more difficult at any time. Some books or casinos have access to the software difficulty settings, and in some cases they do not, in which the software provider has control over it. However, the bottom line is that their claims of it being "random" cannot be considered totally true when they have the ability to change the game any time they feel the need to......

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
There are some that claim to win at them. I don't dispute them. I have played many, many online casinos and kept records of each play as I played. They are not random, not one I've found, even the most highly regarded. Remember one thing: you can have accounting firms confirm that your BJ program gives 44% wins, 48% losses and 8% pushes and that can be ABSOLUTELTY TRUE. But, I could work within those numbers and (if I can see your bet laid on the table BEFORE I tell you what your cards are or what my cards are) TAKE YOUR MONEY EVERY DAY. MANY people say that since I believe this that I am a hack player that doesn't know how to play BJ. Well, all I can say is that is not the case. I don't doubt people have won money online, but I don't know how they did it. I have NEVER won money online EVER over a few thousand hand string. They let me wins gobs and gobs more than one would believe at first, then I hit some barrier they set up and can't win one out ten hands after that, especially if I increase my bet size. They play on the psychology of the player very much. I think it was X-Files that said he had won money with online bj playing an hour or two each day at a particular site. He said he had a progression that seemed to work for him. I believe him. BUT, he finished his post with a quote that made me realize that he may be able to beat the system, but that the system is corrupt: He said that his progression even helped him come out with a minor win or maybe he said not much lost after losing 17 hands in a row. Now, I'm glad for him. However, the key to that statement he made was that he lost 17 hands in a row! The odds of losing 17 hands in a Try flipping a coin and hitting 17 heads or tails in a row (actually, it is more along the lines of flipping 14 heads or tails in a row.....but still...good luck with that!!!) I've never lost more than 12 hands in a row in a regulated land based casino (and believe it or not, I played BJ for a living (in an attempt to make a living....the overall results weren't bad for me, but the fluctuations from day to day were really something to deal with!) for 1.5 years of my life...about 25 hours a week), and 17 hands lost in a row while possible is not very possible with real odds. What fully annoys me is that these bastards could make money with fair games of BlackJack. They just make more by not being fair. That is just my correct as I may be...just my opinion. tulsa
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Also Tulsa, as I have stated many times before....
Anyone that owns a video game, whether it be a Playstation 2, XBox, or whatever, knows that most games have a few "difficulty settings". Like Madden Football for example which has Easy,Normal,Difficult,or All Madden..........

The point here is this......

If basic video games have difficulty settings that can be controlled, it's not very hard to figure out that online casino's, who's whole existence revolves around money, is also going to have gaming software that can also be controlled in the same way with difficulty settings.......

Rx Scrub
Feb 15, 2005
Tulsa said:
There are some that claim to win at them. I don't dispute them. I have played many, many online casinos and kept records of each play as I played. They are not random, not one I've found, even the most highly regarded. Remember one thing: you can have accounting firms confirm that your BJ program gives 44% wins, 48% losses and 8% pushes and that can be ABSOLUTELTY TRUE. But, I could work within those numbers and (if I can see your bet laid on the table BEFORE I tell you what your cards are or what my cards are) TAKE YOUR MONEY EVERY DAY. MANY people say that since I believe this that I am a hack player that doesn't know how to play BJ. Well, all I can say is that is not the case. I don't doubt people have won money online, but I don't know how they did it. I have NEVER won money online EVER over a few thousand hand string. They let me wins gobs and gobs more than one would believe at first, then I hit some barrier they set up and can't win one out ten hands after that, especially if I increase my bet size. They play on the psychology of the player very much. I think it was X-Files that said he had won money with online bj playing an hour or two each day at a particular site. He said he had a progression that seemed to work for him. I believe him. BUT, he finished his post with a quote that made me realize that he may be able to beat the system, but that the system is corrupt: He said that his progression even helped him come out with a minor win or maybe he said not much lost after losing 17 hands in a row. Now, I'm glad for him. However, the key to that statement he made was that he lost 17 hands in a row! The odds of losing 17 hands in a Try flipping a coin and hitting 17 heads or tails in a row (actually, it is more along the lines of flipping 14 heads or tails in a row.....but still...good luck with that!!!) I've never lost more than 12 hands in a row in a regulated land based casino (and believe it or not, I played BJ for a living (in an attempt to make a living....the overall results weren't bad for me, but the fluctuations from day to day were really something to deal with!) for 1.5 years of my life...about 25 hours a week), and 17 hands lost in a row while possible is not very possible with real odds. What fully annoys me is that these bastards could make money with fair games of BlackJack. They just make more by not being fair. That is just my correct as I may be...just my opinion. tulsa

i used to play it online as well after a good night just to chill or whatnot and i had the same thing the first 15 minutes i won every hand and after that i wouldnt win again.not once in a while or 17 hands i wouldnt win again period.i knew it was rigged but its the nature of the beast making me play.i quickly learned my lesson and will stick to betting.
Feb 20, 2002
Hoghead said:
Occasionally in the past I have tried my "luck" but I am really convinced that this is extremely rigged and I was wondering if anyone out there has any insight into this.Thanks

About 6 weeks ago i posted this:

"Recently my system withstood a losing streak of 16 straight loses followed
by 7 more after 2 wins. And another streak of 12 loses in a row twice with
4 of 5 hands winners in between the two 12's."

"It is an increasing bets system, often doubling up, but sometimes lowering
the stake for a number of hands. Has profited over 10G the last 5 weeks
playing an average of about 2 hours a day. Usually i start with the smallest
size wagers {$1-5} & seldom bet over 100."

Has profited over 22G the last 11 weeks. Ave ~ 2000/wk, 300/day,
at Pinnacle BJ. Have played almost everyday & won every session.

I play Basic Strategy but don't usually double when my initial stake
is twice that of the previous hand.
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Feb 20, 2002

"At a typical casino table with 100 hands being dealt per hour, you should expect to go on a
losing streak of 10 hands in a row about once every 15 hours of play. Expect to go on a
losing streak of 15 hands about once every 60,000 hands (every 6 years). And about once in
your lifetime playing 500,000 hands, expect to lose 18 hands in a row."

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
X-Files, I appreciate that post! I was off in my memory by one hand. I said 17, but it was 16 in a row! Regardless that breakdown of what you can expect at a fair table lets us know what is going on!!! THANKS X-Files, for following up on that! tulsa
Feb 20, 2002
Tulsa said:
X-Files, I appreciate that post! I was off in my memory by one hand. I said 17, but it was 16 in a row! Regardless that breakdown of what you can expect at a fair table lets us know what is going on!!! THANKS X-Files, for following up on that! tulsa

Lucky for me it was 16 & not 17 or i'd have busted.
Not so lucky with sports gambling, though.

How do you find Pinnacle's casino? They have big
limits on their High Stakes BJ, up to 5G a hand.
I've won up to 16 hands in a row {not including
pushes} there, & according to my detailed notes
over 1000's of hands it seems quite fair.
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Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
X-Files.......Pinnacle lets you win for awhile and then pulls the rug out from under your arse. I was up $3500 there from poker and blackjack over the week. Tonight I lost $2500 during what I'm convinced was a rigged session. I only won 35% of the hands and endured streaks of losing 14 in a row, 8 in a row, and 7 in a row. Unbelievable. I think the odds on that are astounding. Needless to say I will no longer be in online casinos. I'm taking my $1000 and running.

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005


Sorry, I just saw your question. I have played several (maybe 7 or 8) casinos including a couple of relatively small ones (VIPCASINO as an example) and at least two of the major software providers, though I can't remember their names at the moment. But, no, I haven't played at the obvious choice, Pinnacle. I think that I am holding hope for that one and don't want to spoil that bit of hope....however, if you won 16 in a row (even with pushes) then that is the kind of evidence that I need to say..."Sounds like 'true-odds' may be out the window there too." However, if you are winning, keep it up and sometime when you get tired of it, email me your nifty strategy and let me win some money too!! Thanks again. Good luck!!! tulsa

By the way, Brownsfan, losing doesn't (by itself) imply bad odds nor does 34% win streaks, and I'm sure you know that. I believe you, though, as I've felt the rug pulled out from under me many times like that. I WILL SAY ONE THING, THOUGH: I've played absolutely FAIR games of BJ and felt like the rug was pulled out from under me, too. My assessment of the unfair make-up of the BJ online (as far as I've experienced) has to do with three or four factors, the least of which is that we go on losing streaks that makes us feel like God is out to get us!!! But, in the end, I would take my $1k and smile as I walked away, just like you did. By the way, I'm not saying that you don't know all of this already. tulsa

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