Oren, you are a waste of space, man. Honestly. I'm done with you. Is there any way that you could just get a life? You made a comment that you could only make money betting favorites at these things, and a couple of people, who are much wiser than you, all but laughed you off the forum, and, you keep making statements of opinion as if they were fact, when in reality, they aren't even informed opinions. Dude, honestly, where do you get off? You seem to think you know it all, when you are probably the one on here who least knows anything. I'm pretty sure you take quite a beating with the "investing" whereas I make a living at it, so, who has a better, sharper opinion? I would say that I do, but, hey, that's just me. You keep flipping your burgers and donating your $200 per week paychecks to your bookie. I'll keep making value based, informed wagers, and enjoying all my free time.