When he did that shit...a real American should have reached over and kicked him dead in his ass...and explained to the motherfucker that we are far superior to those motherfuckers and if it wasnt for us in the first place they wouldnt have what they got any way,besides we saved the motherfuckers from the Germans in ww2...they should bow to us all the fucking day long...
Oh yeah i forgot...Obama aint a real American.
Scotty for President 2012
It is because of the idiots like you that people hate the US.
The fucking ¨I´m better than everyone else¨mentality...
The idea that people should live the way US Citizens do...
The idea that the US should rule the World mentality, US Goverments manipulating other Goverments to achieve what they want.
Get your head outta your ass son, there´s much more out there.
You ride around proudly in your truck, proud of the pro-war sticker in your bumper, while thousands of innocent people die and families are destroyed every day, just cause of the greed of bullshit politicians. Send them and their kids to war to see if they will still show their support.