Honest to Pete, it was awful. We had a huge argument, my wife and I. Please save this for the court, by the way. We've been married 15 years now and we are still in love with each other. This was about year 6. I got mad and broke down a door in our house and punched a hole in the wall...for no reason but that I was so damned pissed and had nothing to take it out on. At that point she said something like "If you touch me, I'll leave." And I hadn't ever touched her and wasn't about to which is why I ripped the door off the hinges (after about 3 minutes of exertion) and punched a hole in the wall in the first place. All better than taking it out on anyone, was my thinking....but I was enraged. Rationally, I have no problem with her saying that. I wasn't rational.
When she said that, it pissed me off even more (I had temper problems when I was young....it took a lot, but at some point I would see red, literally...everything would get dark but a tunnel vision and the rest was a dark red hue and it was weird...I was out of my head.) However, I wouldn't ever hurt her and that she said, "Don't touch me" just hurt me more than anything I've ever heard and I was still enraged. Well, I calmly took her by her shoulders and pulled my face to where our noses were touching and quietly said the worst thing I ever said..."If I wanted to, dear, I could *&$$ you and you wouldn't be going anywhere." Which was true, but not something to say to someone that is already worried you're off your nut. I'm still sorry more than I can express and it was God awful. I went outside and laid on the lawn to cool off. That taught me a lesson, though. After I spent a full day repairing and painting and such, I learned to walk away and leave the whole premises if I ever got that mad. In all honesty, someone that has anger issues like I did at the time would probably be well served to attend counseling. tulsa (older and calmer now)