If both the mother and her doctor agree that terminating the pregnancy is best, then there should be no interference with that termination.
As quickly and decisively as possible, end it.
Callous? Perhaps. But it satisfies the desire of both the pregnant female and her doctor. No other input is relevant or needed.
at least barman is honest, he has no problem letting the baby die, just like our President.
Of course, our President is the only politician in the country to vote that way, and infanticide is illegal (sorry bar)
again, read the bill.
you keep going off emotion. the federal bill and state bill are not the same. obama supported the federal bill, he didnt support the state bill. read the 2 bills instead of just going off a hannity talking point.
I don't recall any republican in recent memory having more
pro-life talking points than Obama did with his speech at Notre dame.
He is asking to find common ground. He just gets met with blind hatred.
I don't recall any republican in recent memory having more
pro-life talking points than Obama did with his speech at Notre dame.
He is asking to find common ground. He just gets met with blind hatred.
I don't recall any republican in recent memory having more
pro-life talking points than Obama did with his speech at Notre dame.
He is asking to find common ground. He just gets met with blind hatred.
barman, dont you think the media was making the ND thing bigger then it was though?
The guy who just made more changes to the tax code than anyone.......
.....and those changes, like all the ones enacted by previous five Presidents in your lifetime are what keep the HuskyFan & Assoc accounting service fat & happy, the way the Good Lord intended.
Raise a glass to the US Congress!
I don't recall any republican in recent memory having more
pro-life talking points than Obama did with his speech at Notre dame.
He is asking to find common ground. He just gets met with blind hatred.