IF team nicknames like
CHIEFS , BLACKHAWKS , INDIANS , BRAVES , RAIDERS , WARRIORS & so forth are racist then why do some Native American schools/sports teams use them ?
IF it's racist then it's racist no matter who uses the nickname
White people OR Native American/Indian people right ?
& don't give me any bullshit that's it's o.k for Native Americans cause their Indians OR that Cultural Theft bullshit either
.... I like eating INDIAN TACOS ( also known as NAVAJO TACOS ) it's tacos with. Indian FryBread & Drop Dead Delicious .
Do I have to give up eating Indian/Navajo Tacos cause I'm White ?
I think Native Americans/Indians ( as much as I respect their different cultures & Tribal customs ) need to back the fuck off & just chill out a little bit .
Also ..... I think Native Americans have more pressing issues on their plates than sports team nicknames , like for instance
POVERTY , ALCOHOL ABUSE & DOMESTIC VIOLENCE on Indian Reservations , the plight of Native Americans/Indians who go MISSING every year .
these are just a few of the problems Native Americans struggle with & should be more focused on if you ask me .