No more POWs or surrenders

yup !

Another tough guy ! Get your army pants on and go in the desert you moron


25 to life because you couldn't controll your anger

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Every solider knows why it is best to treat POW's well. It is a part of all combat training. Armies do this because the enemy will fight harder if they know they will be tortured or killed when captured. There is no incentive to give up.

American soliders, knowing what the Iraqi's will do to them, will, if possible, fight to the death knowing what will happen if captured. On the other hand, the Iraqi's will be much more inclined to surrender.

This strategy saves American lives.
KillerWatermelon, you be correct...

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

New member
Sep 21, 2004

"every rag head mf'er who gives up should be shot"

...for dumbest comment on the Rx of the month.
When Iraqi's surrender they should be ordered face down and search one by one and secured.

This was a very costly mistake.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

New member
Sep 20, 2004
No more surrender, since they humiliate our troops, we should do the same. If they want to act like they are going to surrender and then attack we will have no choice but to kill all surrenedering ow's. Our U.S. troops are more valuable then some Iraqi peices of shit.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Our U.S. troops are more valuable then some Iraqi peices of shit <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So what's this war all about ? Isn't to liberate the Iraqi people ? Why are you calling them pieces of shit now ?

Did you ever stop to think that maybe just maybe they(Iraqi people) didn't want to be liberated and that's why they're fighting back ?


25 to life because you couldn't controll your anger
"then some Iraqi peices of shit".

By any chance are you a racist?

Did you call Dr. King a "peice of shit" too?

btw - Can you elaborate on the phrase "peice of shit"?
I'm only familiar with the phrase "piece of shit" which can be most accurately applied to any racist scumbag.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Lander if, you don't think that mid east regimes are less than subhuman, you have been drinking too much manthrax again.
You seem to think that if you don't kiss the ass of everybody that isn't american of northern europe dessent your racist, typical lefty mind control bullshit.
small dick macho racist war mon ger pansies suck bigtime. you got issues rednecks!
"Lander if, you don't think that mid east regimes are less than subhuman"

No, in fact I suggest that they are EVEN more human than you. At least they're fighting for what they belive in - all you do is sit here like a fat cheerleader cheering your boys on.

They have an excuse for the hate - they've been oppressed, sanctioned & warred to near death. You, on the other hand, have no excuse for being a ignorant, racist, blood-thristly little pansy.

You like war - go fight in

[This message was edited by The General on 03-24-03 at 06:44 PM.]
"I think hungover is arab-american"

People are equal - or haven't you heard yet, racist boy?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
lander, it was a joke, I am not a racist. I do hate homosexuals though, that is the reason why I usually do not reply to any of your posts.....but does that make me racist? Nah.

Tell you what homes I could be a lot of things but last time I checked I wasn't Arab-American.

feel free to keep guessing !

BTW the news being fed to you guys is total bullshit !

As we speak you have a mess on your hands with Turkish troops entering N Iraq to claim a piece of that oil rich land !

I'm sure CNN & FOX are telling you that ain't happening.


25 to life because you couldn't controll your anger

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Wow! All of it TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!

Gosh, you know, I kinda like the taste.

Btw, what brand of bullshit news do you enjoy?


In this case with this war I prefer to watch for the most part unbiased European news cast on this.

I've watched both American & European news on this matter and I've come to the conclussion that what's being reported in the US media if far less then what's being reported in the European media.


25 to life because you couldn't controll your anger
First of all,you can't lump all mid eastern countries and cultures together.Secondly you can't condemn a large population of people based on atrocities commited by a few.Finally I truely hope that United State forces don't sink to that level.

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