Whats up people!! I just want to let everyone know I am new to the sports betting scene and to sports as a whole. What brought me here basically this is 09 was my first year watching football consistently I went from watching football when there was nothing to watch to watching every MNF, SNF, watching Sports Center, SportsNation, Around the Horn, Highlights a lot of stuff and by week 2-3 of the season I chose the Colts were going to be the team to beat and would probably go to the SB, I always told my friends NEVER EVER bet against the Colts you will lose your money but that didn't mean much when your looking at Vegas odds which I knew nothing about. End of that story but what got me even more wanting to get into this was the start of College Basketball, something I never really watched in my life at all but since I always watched the NBA I wanted to see how I would do. Well since the beginning of the season there were 2 teams that stuck out to me that was Syracuse and Gonzaga. Syracuse use to be in the Top 20 now they are the #1 team and Gonzaga went from unranked to #13 I believe. All I am saying is I think I have a skill/talent (w/e u want to call it) for choosing good teams and I really need to get deeper into this. I never played sports in high school or college I am more of a music person and it just means a lot to me that I have chosen good teams when I haven't played a lick of football or basketball. If anyone has any questions please ask!!