As we get softer and softer as a society, you will see more of this. People been running into people for centuries but all of a sudden, its a problem. Sure, folks are bigger and faster but the person you are steamrolling are too. The whole rule of running over a catcher is a joke too. Too much money now involved, everyone wants their players in a bubble. NFL is even worse. Instant replay just gets old. It will only get worse if you ask me. I just love people that play football and refuse to let their teammates down and want back in the game now complaining their head hurts....what did you think would happen? Enjoy your millions....
But last night was just awful... he barely touched him. and it cost them the game. Might be the Rays only win this year, if you ask me. They stink...hahah
I dig what you're saying about "
last night was just awful... he barely touched him." but if you object to leagues changing to make players be at a lesser risk for injury you're gonna wind up aggravated bcuz all leagues are going to be doing that.
On NFL, if we embraced your philosophy of "
People been running into people for centuries but all of a sudden, its a problem. Sure, folks are bigger and faster but the person you are steamrolling are too." as more important than Player Safety there would soon be no NFL altogether.
I'm with you actually but I also understand why Player Safety has to be prioritized, made more important than those Jack Tatum-type hits that made NFL what it was and what we grew accustomed to expecting.
Evolution my brother. Try to adjust to it the best you can, factor the changes into your 'capping cuz anything other than rolling with the changes and you'll just wind up aggravated.