Besides constantly winning on Sports Betting, I have a bent for Cooking. While trying harder than Captain Kirk to go boldly, I am always experimenting with different recipes and tastes. My latest findings have found that excessive chillies not only burn the Mouth, Stomach and Arse but after the initial buzz is completely useless nuitritionally.
The best way to avoid all the heart-ache and still enjoy that warm feeling that Chillies give is to,
Slice it down the middle and shove 3/4 of it up your Arse uncooked. Not only is this a more time friendly way but it saves a lot on Gas or Electric payments, plus you can adjust the situation, something normally that is a problem. :drink:
The best way to avoid all the heart-ache and still enjoy that warm feeling that Chillies give is to,
Slice it down the middle and shove 3/4 of it up your Arse uncooked. Not only is this a more time friendly way but it saves a lot on Gas or Electric payments, plus you can adjust the situation, something normally that is a problem. :drink: