Need real amateur sports bettors


New member
Jan 1, 2021
I, like you, are an avid sports bettor always looking to add another layer of information that can improve my winning percentage. I have created software that grades amateur bettors in short term bet segments of 5, 10, and 20 games. Long term ratings for bettors will always fall near the mean of 50% but in these small segments the win% of bettors is very skewed and skewed results are a handicappers friend.

Essentially, the software will show us a consensus for each game but then allow the user to use advanced metrics that then show you the hot and cold bettors on each side. The goal is to find those sides and totals where the majority of the hot and cold are on opposite sides.

I've been doing robo tests to make sure the software works and now I am looking for real sports bettors to start putting their picks in for real and lets start filtering bettors based on how hot or cold they are.

Just think if you saw 50 hot bettors on one side and 30 cold bettors on the other over their last 10 games, wouldn't you like to know that. My gut tells me moving on this info will out perform what you do on your own.

If interested in being part of this community of bettors whose goal is to get information out of each other and use a joint handicapping platform that allows you to exploit the best and the worst rec bettors have to offer then go to:

I have the site hosted on a free server as I am still thinking of a good domain to buy. Any suggestions welcome. I do not ask for any personal info on the sign up other than an email. No address or anything like that. Very anonymous. If you do sign up, under agent put rxforum.

Thanks and let's help each other.

New member
Jan 1, 2021
Sign up for an account, pick the games you like, and break down the bettors on each side to see where the hot bettors are and where the cold bettors are on the game.

NBA and MLB games now up.

New member
Jan 1, 2021
Still time to get the MLB and the NBA games in for today. Try streak betting within a community of bettors and outperform what you can do on your own. 100% FREE. No BS.

New member
Jan 1, 2021
Games are up for today. Join a community of sports bettors who can exploit the best and worst each of us has to offer. Ride hot bettors and fade cold bettors. Filter game information to see where the hot and cold bettors lie on each side and total of any game.

New member
Jan 1, 2021
Streak Betting is the method of calculating short term win percentages for bettors and then leveraging that info to filter betting data on games to see where the hot and cold bettors lie on the side and total. Streak betting keys on the games and totals where the majority of hot and cold bettors are on opposite sides.

We are looking for sports betters to make picks on games and in return get access to the information.

100% Free Community. Our Goal is to outperform what someone could do on their own.

Filter Betting Data 9 different ways for each side and total of a game.

read about it here: and sign up for an account to the first ever platform like this.

New member
Jan 1, 2021
Check out streak betting at

Read about it and sign up for a free account and join a community of sports bettors exploiting betting data to their advantage.

New member
Jan 1, 2021
Streak Betting nailed the BRK/MIL game last night. Cold bettors were all over MIL. Read about the strategies of streak betting at

New member
Jan 1, 2021
Streak Betting will outperform what you do on your own. Community is 100% free to join. Be a part of like minded people looking to improve their chances of winning.

New member
Jan 1, 2021
Streak Betting uses short term win percentages to classify bettors as hot or cold and then looks for games where the majority of the hot and cold bettors are on the opposite sides of a game or total.

The first ever streak betting platform can be found at Copy and paste it into your browser.

New member
Jan 1, 2021
I need some real MLB bettors that watch MLB and like to handicap the games to make some picks. What you'll get in return is a unique tool that allows you to filter the short term win percentages of the handicappers who chose the game 9 different ways. Making a pick is super easy and the registration for an account doesn't ask for anything but a username, email, and password. No names or addresses. Completely anonymous. The more MLB handicappers we have making picks the more information we'l have at our fingertips.

Just like if you browsed anyone's thread who makes picks. And I mean anyone from those who sell picks to those who just like to make mental bets with no real money behind them, everyone runs hot and cold. Everyone. Just go through anyone's thread and see for yourself or track your own picks and see for yourself. You'll go 8 - 2 over ten picks and then go 3 - 7 in the next ten. Happens all day everyday.

Streak betting takes the short term winning percentages of the handicappers into account and moves on the games where the hot and cold bettors disagree on a side or total. The theory being you follow hot cappers and fade cold ones all at the same time. That information will be at our fingertips. Instead of everyone off doing their own thing, we need to bring it all together. Streak betting can do that.

Everything is free and the platform asks for NO PERSONAL INFO. Just need real MLB handicappers who cap on a daily basis and come away with strong opinions on sides and totals.

Read about streak betting and sign up for an account at

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