this pisses me off, i need to correct my 1st thought thinking...i wrote about Radford i said radford +3.5 or 4 looked good, but then bet the over in that game, but also said if Radford has their way it wouldnt go over, and what hapopens?? Radford was the play they won outright like 66-62 kept it low scoring, and if i was thinking right i should never had bet the over because i did favor radford , so i cost me bigtime, i lose a big play and could have just bet radford and had a winner, ill work on thinking better , its just dumb to bet the over after i say i like radford, that friggin line move got me thinking the over was the play, really sorry and i go and do not bet Chattanooga either thats 2 i said i liked but didnt bet...and st thomas is in a very low scoring game also they only had 18 with 2 mins left in 1st half they were down 8 samford got outscored by 13 in 2nd half they were up 34-31 at half , hopefully tenn comes thru, talked myself into the kennesaw st play damnit , just cannot make a habit of it , so so days will happen , but u mass lowell wow won by 30+