Sacred Heart+3 they were -3 are now -2.5
Over 139 Nicholls st game
James Madison-8 they are now 6
Abilene Christian +2
Liberty-3 -120 big
Quinnipiac-2 big
norfolk st +5
Over 140 Liberty/Wichita st big
Coll of charleston-5 vs wyoming BIg
teaser -110 elon+2/south dakota-2 1 unit
Butler+5.5 -105 1st half
IPFW -4 Bought a point -130 big
Over 150 Harvard/u.mass bought a half pt -120 big
st.louis +5 half unit
Kansas st+2 Big bought a half -120
Sacred Heart+3 they were -3 are now -2.5
Over 139 Nicholls st game
James Madison-8 they are now 6
Abilene Christian +2
Liberty-3 -120 big
Quinnipiac-2 big
norfolk st +5
Over 140 Liberty/Wichita st big
Coll of charleston-5 vs wyoming BIg
under 127 N.Texas -120
teaser at even money Dayton+4/St louis +9.5 1 unitteaser -110 elon+2/south dakota-2 1 unit
Butler+5.5 -105 1st half
IPFW -4 Bought a point -130 big
Over 150 Harvard/u.mass bought a half pt -120 big
st.louis +5 half unit
Kansas st+2 Big bought a half -120