is running NBA Championship and Stanley Cup playoff pools. Just log into your account and click on the playoff pools section. You can take a $5 or $10 pool for your sport of choice. Choose the winning team for each series and in how many games each series will be won. It's that easy!! The cost of the pool will be deducted automatically from your account once you submit your entry.
Stanley Cup pools now open
NBA pools opens Thursday April 20
$5 pool: winner receives $50
$10 pool: winner receives $100
Every correct team gets 1 point
Every correct amount of games gets 1 point
1 bonus point awarded for getting both team and amount of games correct in a series.
Got that lucky feeling on the NBA Championship and Stanley Cup playoff? Try our pools and win more cash!!!
Stanley Cup pools now open
NBA pools opens Thursday April 20
$5 pool: winner receives $50
$10 pool: winner receives $100
Every correct team gets 1 point
Every correct amount of games gets 1 point
1 bonus point awarded for getting both team and amount of games correct in a series.
Got that lucky feeling on the NBA Championship and Stanley Cup playoff? Try our pools and win more cash!!!