Nate Silver: 'Basic error' on coronavirus stories reveal media’s true goals


May 27, 2007
FiveThirtyEight editor Nate Silver said the mainstream media is not giving proper context to stories on the rise of coronavirus cases, which he calls a “basic error” that reveals an agenda to prioritize narratives that “sound smart” over accuracy and truth.

Silver was bothered that certain stories failed to mention that some growth in the coronavirus infection number is a result of an increase in testing.

“Not providing context on the increase in testing is such a basic error, and has been so widespread, that it's revealing about the media's goals. It's more interested in telling plausibly-true stories ("narratives") that sound smart to its audience than in accuracy/truth per se,” Silver said in response to author James Surowiecki calling out recent reports from Axios and The New York Times.

“That doesn't mean it's just making stuff up or engaging in fake news,” Silver added. “On the contrary, the facts it relays are generally accurate in isolation. But the problems are in how facts are strung together and emphasized. Often there are sins of omission (e.g. no context on testing).”

Silver sent a third tweet noting that President Trump has “figured this out.”

“BTW, Trump has figured this out! By focusing on case counts, the media creates disincentives to do more testing because it makes the numbers look superficially worse. One reason (not the only one) why we're not pushing for testing as much as we should,” he wrote.

Mediaite noticed that Axios updated its story after Silver’s criticism.

“The tweet prompted at least one outlet to update a story to acknowledge that increases in testing have led to more cases being diagnosed,” Mediaite’s Rudy Takala wrote. “Axios subsequently updated the story linked in the exchange, noting, ‘This story has been updated to clarify that increased testing could be part of the reason the number of cases in the U.S. is rising.’
Mediaite then pointed out, “The New York Times on Monday published a story containing similar claims, titled, ‘As Trump pushes to reopen, government sees virus toll nearly doubling.’”

May 27, 2007
Like we've mostly all been saying since March. The media used this Pandemic situation to make Trump's response look bad with a goal of hurting his reelection efforts.

There are still 4-5 holdouts here at the RX that think this is a bullshit narrative. I guess Nate Silver is a liar and dumb too?
Nov 8, 2012
I actually think Nate Silver is a credible source.

His predictions are usually spot on.

However he'll be the first to admit he botched the 2016 election

Nov 17, 2004
I actually think Nate Silver is a credible source.

His predictions are usually spot on.

However he'll be the first to admit he botched the 2016 election

Nate Silver was the Liberals wet dream for years. They'd always point to him as the absolute when it came to polling. He points out what has been obvious to anyone but the Useful Idiots...the press is disingenuous. And one of the problems is what they do is twist the truth.

I had a friend claim that NPR was rated as the most honest news source around. I smiled and said that being honest and being truthful are often two different things. As an example, I used how they emphasized that there weren't as many tax refunds after the Republican tax cut. I told him, that's not lying, it's just being completely disingenuous as a refund has nothing to do with a tax cut. I can get a tax cut and not withhold as much as I did the year before and either not get a refund or have to pay. That doesn't mean I didn't get the tax cut.

I no longer am focused on the amount of people contracting this disease as there's no way of testing everyone so you can never actually figure out the true "death rate". What I do know is the total population and how many people have actually died. In Texas, it's less than 1000 on a population of 29 million. It ends up being 3.4 people for every 100k. And as those deaths go up, the media will scream that deaths since reopening are up. If it ends up being close to 3x, my thoughts (and most rational people) will say "OK, so now we have 12 deaths for every 100k people". Let's move on. People die of infectious diseases and that includes the Flu, Pneumonia, and HIV. That's unfortunate. People and businesses need to be able to work.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Don't need a statistician to tell us that, just common sense with a sprinkle of THINKING

Yet one buffoon after another cite the lies as gospel

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007

Nov 17, 2004
He did not admit that in 2016:

And he did not admit that years later:

Had you used fivethiryeight probability against the betting market in the 2016 election you would have won money like the rest of us.

We also received a lot of criticism from Democratic partisans in the closing weeks of the campaign — more than we did from Trump supporters — because they thought we didn’t have Clinton as a heavy enough favorite.

Of course if anyone weighed that 538 didn't have Clinton heavily favored vs the betting odds, the clear benefit from a betting standpoint was Trump. But they did indeed have Clinton favored.
Nov 8, 2012
He did not admit that in 2016:

And he did not admit that years later:

Had you used fivethiryeight probability against the betting market in the 2016 election you would have won money like the rest of us.

I didnt click your links so i'm not saying that you are incorrect

I know in 2012, he nailed the election and nailed like 98% of everything else in the election

Actually did a decent job handicapping football back in the day with his prediction model

Nov 17, 2004
I didnt click your links so i'm not saying that you are incorrect

I know in 2012, he nailed the election and nailed like 98% of everything else in the election

Actually did a decent job handicapping football back in the day with his prediction model

My quote is directly from the top link

May 27, 2007
I assume Patsfan is in this thread again to talk some bullshit about how he knew how this pandemic would go? His assessments weren’t as bad as mobs but close.

Jul 14, 2007
Lol, well I think we all know that isn't true

Worth reaching though given how bad it has been for the Clay Travis wannabe though, not really much else he can say at this point
Mar 19, 2008
This entire thing is political! They want Trump OUT among other agendas! It's been brought up before but I'll say it again and keep repeating because they can't give a logical answer because there are none....80,000 people DIED of the flu last flu season....80,000!!! Where was all the hype then?? Did the random Joe even know that statistic not like now every person gets covid numbers pushed in their face every time you turn on the TV?? Why are the people who died then not as important as the people who are dying now? Not getting the "attention" and "urgency" as those now?! Did you know that the recovery rate for this corona is between 97-99%??!!! Why are they forcing face masks now and not then?? You can get the regular flu the same exact way as this covid through saliva or germy fingers etc! And my God shutting the country down for this?? Absolute insanity! They're cover is blown.....there's been many many sources say these hospitals were told to "push" covid number deaths it's out and proven. Hospitals are getting double the money per covid death person compared to any other mortality reason...are you kidding me??? Connect the dots friends! This corona is a cover up for political and propaganda reasons....some is legit not saying at all what's going on isn't real....but you can't say there aren't 100 fishy things going on here. This thing is so blown out of proportion it's beyond obvious. We need to fight this and stand strong as a country and not back down like we've been seeing the past couple of weeks.....we need our country opened back up NOW let's back to business! We need to "fear" more not this corona BS, but what's it doing to our economy and our kids future! That's what we need to fear here

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