During the Clinton administration, my e-mail was bombarded with republican lies and half truths. I thought he was doing a great job. Far better than Bush had done.
Then came the Lewinsky incident and all the self righteous republicans. That got me to leaning then what happend when Dubya got elected pushed me over the edge. At this point in time I have a very low opinion of republicans and heartless conservatives.
Clinton was not a liberal. He played both sides. So you are a military guy and say Clinton did a great job???????????????/ Are you on crack. Did you miss all the times we were attacked from the enemy. Did you miss WTC1. Did you miss all the embassy's that got blown up. BTW with our military people there.
LOL Don't confuse Bush for a republican. This is where the libs are confused. Hell you guys should of loved this guy. He spent like crazy.
LOL Heartless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again its not heartless to kill little babies? Is it not heartless to not expect people to be able to pull themselves out of poverty. Has it worked out that the libs send them 2 checks a month. That is heartless to me. Heartless to is telling the folks that the Government knows best. Which has been proven countless times to be completely wrong and foolish.