Na Na Na Na ... Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Hey Goodbye !!!


New member
Dec 24, 2004
Just as was expected ... Eagles Choke Yet again !! LOO whOO wHOOOO se errrrrr s !!! LOL

This team even with all the talent .. TO , westbook , kerse ... Still needs A QB. YOUR not going to win the big one with Mcnabb !!!! HE sucks ..and showed it SUNDAY ONCE AGAIN!! The eagle played well above there heads this year, just so happends they had a really weak division to play in...

SB --- Stop all the cryin at least your sorry team covered !!! Here ya GO Pats ----> :hump: <------ Beagles

Better luck next year !!!

GInseng3 tellin it like it IS !!! Watch out for the Skins Next year !!

Can't we ALL just get along?!!
Sep 20, 2000
ginseng3 said:
Just as was expected ... Eagles Choke Yet again !! LOO whOO wHOOOO se errrrrr s !!! LOL

This team even with all the talent .. TO , westbook , kerse ... Still needs A QB. YOUR not going to win the big one with Mcnabb !!!! HE sucks ..and showed it SUNDAY ONCE AGAIN!! The eagle played well above there heads this year, just so happends they had a really weak division to play in...

SB --- Stop all the cryin at least your sorry team covered !!! Here ya GO Pats ----> :hump: <------ Beagles

Better luck next year !!!

GInseng3 tellin it like it IS !!! Watch out for the Skins Next year !!

:lolBIG: :lolBIG: You're kidding right? Skins choked so early in the regular season they didn't get the opportunity to choke in the playoffs. We're still going to win the division and sweep the Deadskins again next year. Go find another Mark Brunell. :103631605


Siempre vive RX
Sep 20, 2004
McNabb "sucked" so badly that he threw for 324 yards and 3 TDs against one of the best defenses in the league, despite 3 picks?????? The better team won, and McNabb made a few poor passing decisions, but I don't see how his performance could be construed as "sucking." I'm not even an Eagles fan, Ginseng. I guess this means that Payton Manning "sucks" even worse than McNabb since he put 3 points on the board against the Pats last month?

Wooooooooh Nelly look em' go!!!
Jan 31, 2005
El Iguana said:
McNabb "sucked" so badly that he threw for 324 yards and 3 TDs against one of the best defenses in the league, despite 3 picks?????? The better team won, and McNabb made a few poor passing decisions, but I don't see how his performance could be construed as "sucking." I'm not even an Eagles fan, Ginseng. I guess this means that Payton Manning "sucks" even worse than McNabb since he put 3 points on the board against the Pats last month?


With all do respect.....he played horrible and made horrible decisions and for having what I call SportCenter stats....of 357 yrds passing is way overblown when you throw the ball 50 times. Bottom line is the turnovers in the red zone that killed the Eagles and that was all on Mcnabb shoulders......good QB but not great.

Siempre vive RX
Sep 20, 2004
You guys are both right, Philly had a legitimate shot to win the game had McNabb not thrown the INTs. I'm not disputing that his INTs and lack of scrambling yards hurt the team.

What I am disputing is anyone saying McNabb "sucks." I don't know how you can say a guy who passes for 3 TDs and over 300 yards against possibly the best defense in the league "sucks." That's my point.

Wooooooooh Nelly look em' go!!!
Jan 31, 2005
No I see what your saying now and no he doesn't SUCK...... I just think he needs a few more years to get that ring. Eagles were in the game with there Defense and Mcnabb lobbed a few passes he never should but overall I think the people that say he sucked were counting on the over 47 maybe....haha

Siempre vive RX
Sep 20, 2004
Good point, Rightwing! Some people have a hard-on for McNabb and are looking for anything to rail on, for whatever reason. Many were saying before the game that the team who made the fewest mistakes would win, and it definitely came to fruition.

It's the double-edged sword of the big-play quarterback.....they can "cost" their team the game with a few bad mistakes, but yet their dynamic playmaking ability is what kept their team in the game in the first place. Kind of like a basketball player who has 38 points but misses 2 free-throws with 1 second on the clock to lose a game!

Anyway, all other things aside, I hope you made some $$ on the game.

New member
Sep 15, 2006
another idiotic post by Ginseng, and what exactly did the skins do? Nothing, Zilch, NADA you idiot!!! I love seeing what you post because it always is good for a belly laugh!!

New member
Nov 5, 2005
Bear1103 said:
another idiotic post by Ginseng, and what exactly did the skins do? Nothing, Zilch, NADA you idiot!!! I love seeing what you post because it always is good for a belly laugh!!

This, kids is what we call an asshole.

When you bring up posts from LAST YEAR in order to ridicule someone, this makes you an asshole.

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