MY SINCERE APPOLOGY TO THE Rx (owners,mods & posters)


Sep 20, 2004
OK ladies and gents here it goes. I am making a public appology to everyone involved here at the Rx. I've bashed BUCS and Journey and the Rx to no end. For this I regret it. Actually this place is the busiest but toughest place to post plays cause you get chewed up and spit out on a loss. Me after losing a close friend in a head on car accident 2 weeks ago that I was suppose to be in, made me look at life differently! Life is to short to have hatred to anyone. I realize what I said bout BucsFan was totally off base and for everything I said to you Bucs I'm sorry. To Journey also and to the Rx in general.I realize I made big mistakes in my life and I need to correct things before its to late! What EOG brings to the table ,I don't know but up till now the Rx is the busiest place and quickest place to get a response from posters and mods. So on this appology I don't expect to be welcomed back its just getting certain things off my chest, and this is a start! Call me a hypocrite, liar, scumbag or any other name you like but this appology comes from within. I post at a few other sites, but lately and many can verify this I haven't been posting! I'm still on Roxy's side 110% and to me Ace is GOD, when it comes to betting the NFL. Here BUCS is king of bases. Yes I lost my contest to CHOPTALK and he will be paid by seasons end like we talked about. Any other comment on this is off base until OCTOBER 1st! To the owners of the Rx I say I'm sorry for bashing your place, it was off base and totally stupid of me! I'm not going to name other forums but I did help jump start a few,lol, and I'll be posting at all soon as I get things in perspective! I hope everyone makes money this football season. If I am allowed to post herre once again which is totally up to the mods I won't be bashing ANYONE and will ignoree all bashes towards me. Its your call guys, but if its NO I understand! Well once again SORRY everyone involved with the Rx!

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Jim you sound sincere, and speaking personally I am glad to see you apologise. I don't really know what was said at other forums but I am glad to see you posting here at The Rx... I for one accept your apology.

I am very sorry to hear about your friend.

If I can be of any help please contact me at

Best of Luck, wil.

New member
Aug 1, 2005
wilheim said:
Jim you sound sincere, and speaking personally I am glad to see you apologise. I don't really know what was said at other forums but I am glad to see you posting here at The Rx... I for one accept your apology.

I am very sorry to hear about your friend.

If I can be of any help please contact me at

Best of Luck, wil.
What did he do wrong in the first place? Just wondering why he was upset?

Sep 20, 2004
I accept the this day I have no idea why Feistsux started attacking me..I never banned him or suggested he go on post review...

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
is players edge a jimfeist ghost?

You'll have to decide that...

Players edge shows 4 different ip addresses under his name.....3 of them have only 1 match- JimFeistSux.....

The 4th has no match....

New member
Feb 26, 2005
You are a better person than me, absolutely. I can't take back what I said only appologize for my stupidity. I will never kiss anyones ass for forgiveness?? My cousin has 4 IP addys on his file cause 3 are when he visits me and 1 is when he was home in Jersey. Thanks Journey and Will for accepting my appology. Don't expect Bucs to ever do the same and in all honesty I don't blame him. Well with the General and The Shrink gone can't appologize to them. FishHead is cool and he always was a good guy but nothing from him either?? Mr. Will, I'll be dropping you an email as a friend of yours told me to do so before I posted this appology. But I'll be doing it tonite or tomorrow. I guess all in all neever believe anything you here and only half of what you see. Everything I said bout Bucs and Journey was pm'd to me on other sites. I was just the idiot who posted what others were saying,lol, sux to be me! Lesson was learned here to say the least! All I can say is the last 2 weeks have been a rebuilding time in my life and just want to make things right with those I've hurt. Thats all!

New member
Feb 26, 2005
Bucs sorry I posted under my cousins name here so I'm not on any review and it hits now instead of an hour later like the original post!

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
Player's EDGE said:
You are a better person than me, absolutely. I can't take back what I said only appologize for my stupidity. I will never kiss anyones ass for forgiveness?? My cousin has 4 IP addys on his file cause 3 are when he visits me and 1 is when he was home in Jersey. Thanks Journey and Will for accepting my appology. Don't expect Bucs to ever do the same and in all honesty I don't blame him. Well with the General and The Shrink gone can't appologize to them. FishHead is cool and he always was a good guy but nothing from him either?? Mr. Will, I'll be dropping you an email as a friend of yours told me to do so before I posted this appology. But I'll be doing it tonite or tomorrow. I guess all in all neever believe anything you here and only half of what you see. Everything I said bout Bucs and Journey was pm'd to me on other sites. I was just the idiot who posted what others were saying,lol, sux to be me! Lesson was learned here to say the least! All I can say is the last 2 weeks have been a rebuilding time in my life and just want to make things right with those I've hurt. Thats all!

Players is that You talking or Jimfiest talking....sounds like Jim is talking in your post:icon_conf :icon_conf

New member
Feb 26, 2005
It is JimFiestSux using my name, I'm at his house for a couple weeks. Hes on review but using my username he is able to post normal. No 1 hour waiting period!

New member
Feb 26, 2005
I know people will say BUSTED, but if there is a problem then I won't post here anymore either. Its all good just trying to help him out. We all make mistakes and he realizes he made a few big ones.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Player's EDGE said:
. FishHead is cool and he always was a good guy but nothing from him either?? !

Never had any issues with you personally JFS, you know that.

Sorry about the loss of your friend...that hurts, can't imagine how you must feel.

If there is anything you need, don't hesitate to email me at my new Rx email address.........

Stay healthy and safe,

New member
Oct 20, 2002
just tell us the reason why you came back is for all of the GREAT CONTEST'S going on:dancefool

my best

New member
Aug 10, 2005
JimFiestsux is a COOL guy. We had some issues when he was a moderator in the past but we are very cool now. We all make mistakes and we learned from it and MOVE ON! but hey when your coming over for a beer? :103631605

by the way i am so sorry about your friend! my prayers are with his families!

Sep 20, 2004

Honestly there are many forums out there but this one is the busiest and most active around. You get many responses from different people instead of the same 3 or 4 at other places. After the past 2 weeks I've been putting things in perspective in my life and I don't want to leave with any hatred.This is why I am trying to clean the slate with well meant appologies. There are many great people here on this site and there are many great people at all the other sites I post in.


I always thought of you as a #1 Moderator. I think the problem was one day this place was slow and you made a comment or 2 and I dissagreed trying to get action going on a thread and it got to a point where you didn't want to post towards me anymore. It was never nothing personal, just me acting like an idiot. For that I'm sorry!

And guys if Mr. VisorMan @ FBZ could forgive me for saying everything I said bout him blasting it at OPU, then I know others can forgive too. You see I'm a hot headed type of guy that says stuff without thinking. You see, everything I posted bout this place and Bucs and Journeyman are things that were pm'd to me at another site and all you know who you are that told me. I was the Poster child for (STUPIDNESS) for taking what I was told and posting it. I think people knew I was out of control so they just pm'd me what they were afraid to put their names on and new I'd post it. But I was a fool doing it! I still feel like a gutless fool saying what I said bout everyone, especially Craig and his family. If I can take everything back i would but all I can do is move on. This is why I did what I did!

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