So earlier I was in the liquor store, prepping for my evening out when this hottie walks up to me and says "Hey, you are (we'll call him Z) Z's roomate right?" I reply with an open jaw "yes, I am." She continues by saying "You probably dont know me (which I obviously do, she is fucking hot) but I am having a party tonight and I would love it if Z would come by (pause) oh, and you can come too if you'd like, but I really want to see Z, I haven't seen him in forever!!" I tell her that I will see her later on and continue to check out. I get home and tell Z of the situation and to my surprise he says he is NOT going. Can anyone help me convince him to get off his ass, put on a Polo and roll over to this girl's party. It would be kind of awkward if I go without him(I am going regardless). There is a great chance that he gets laid and goes down in school history for tagging the hottest chick on campus. He is making a HUUUUUUUUGE mistake, but then again, not having him there will increase my chances, I mean, who wouldn't fall for my devishly good looks and great personality?