My response to the closed thread.


Oct 31, 2004
Choptalk, you are an idiot.. Suicide is not something you joke about. If you ever knew someone who was suicidal then maybe you would think differently about this subject.

first of all it was "ass" doctor not penis doctor and that was a proctologist as Joeyfitz pointed out, not a gynecologist.. you know what they do right?

"If this penis doctor is so weak mentally that someone posting a thread on the internent pushes him over the edge thats his problem not mine"

that's classless. I'm sure if someone sent you the images of that person's face blown out or hanging from the ceiling you may feel differently. Words can be very powerful and it's the constant tearing down of someone that can make people do stupid things. If this past week isn't a reminder of that at Virginia Tech then I don't know what is.

"posting a thread" like you suck you cheapskate, is much different than making jokes about him committing suicide.

I personally wouldn't care if you told me to hang myself, i wouldn't do it but you don't say those things to people you don't even know well, because maybe their lives have been so shitty that that is the final straw that breaks the camels back.

From talking quite a bit with gynecologist I can tell he takes his "gambling forum life" too seriously and while I don't think he would ever kill himself you really don't know what his life has maybe been like over the past year (he went through something that no parent should have to). so all i'm saying is don't be such a prick who makes jokes and pretend bets about suicide.. it's a very serious matter.
there was one guy maybe 7 or 8 months back who made a thread in the rubber room saying that gynecologist had committed suicide and he got banned from the forum.. I would like to see that happen to you because I know for someone who has made 12,942 posts the urge to post would bother you..don't laugh because I know that it would and you know it too.

The above post is one of the most idiotic post I have ever read in my entire life. I dont even know where to begin.

Never once did I suggest that Penis Doctor should shoot himself.
All I was doing is asking a question.

If something so innocent as that pushes someone over the edge, there is simply no hope for someone like that.

I cant stand people like the above poster that puts the blame on everyone else but the person the blame should be on.

The poster mentioned the VT shooting as an example/

What in fucking hell does the Virgina Tech shooting have to do with penis doctor?


I bet your one of the ones that blames the gun shop for selling the guy the gun arent you?

I bet your one of the ones putting the VT shootings blame on everyone except for the shooter arent you?

What in Gods name does that have to do with anything?

If you think for one second that a stupid post on the internet (that does not even suggest suicide would put someone over the edge) would cause someone to do that, you are an idiot. I hope you are not standing in a tall building as I tell you that. I would not want to be the one to make you want to jump out the building because I told you that.

Once again, the bad guy is the good guy, and the good guy is the victim.

Thats life these days.

According to the world we live in, there is not one person in prison today thats in prison because of the person in prison. The reason they are in there is because there parents were no good, or the music they listened to was the wrong music, or the kids in school made fun of them. Its never the fault of the one that did.

According to some, it was the gun store owner that sold him the gun, or the police department that did not do there job, everyone fault but the trigger puller.

Its not penis doctors fault for what hes going thru right now, its my fault.

So is the world we are living in these days. Im sure you fit right in.

<!-- / message -->

New member
Mar 15, 2005
Chop, why do you let these clowns get to you so much? You have been around these boards just as long as I have if not longer. Chill out, you have to know that there are tons of great posters out there, but like everything else there is gonna be a few morons that ruin it for everyone.

I am in total agreement with what you say. The major problem with society today is that its never anyones fault. The blame has to be put on something happening earlier in the persons life or something someone did to them that causes crap to happen. The country has gone to hell in a bucket and we have people worrying about if you posted penis doctor or ass doctor. Even better, someone is worried about a fricking gambling forum post that might drive someone to kill themselves. :WTF:

Wish I had the free time to worry about what is posted on the internet causing someone to harm themselves. Give me a god damn break!!

You got to love the entertainment value these boards bring. I always enjoy coming home from work and have a good laugh at some of these bozos on here.

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
I think I heard one of the guys Skins told to kill himself actually gave did it....

Just what Ive heard. Supposedly since he is such a heavy influence the guy thought his internet rep was done and gave up.

morally bankrupt
Nov 23, 2004
My response to the closed thread.

i still like skins cuz he manages to be the funniest poster here, imo.. I sense so much sarcascm in skins' posts that i can tell it's a joke.. where with choptalk i can't sense it's a joke.. either way trying to get laughs off of suicide is a bad thing to do..
recently on some forum an english guy committed suicide live on his webcam, there were people who were egging him on to just do it already, and i'm sure those people feel like shit especially if they watched it live. Suicide is a very serious thing and it's not something to be taken lightly.
Jokes like these are just real immature, like a person who hasn't quite grown up yet.

Kill yourself.

Is that a banana in your mouth or . . .
Aug 17, 2006
suicide is the most selfish thing a person can do. the reason anyone commits suicide is because they cant handle a particular situation. I 100% back Choptalk on this situation. There is not way in hell a person is going to commit suicide because of what someone said on the damn internet. This is childish thinking. If Gyne was going to kill himself, it is in no way reflected toward anyone except himself being selfish. Chop made a hell of a point when he said people always try to blame everyone but the person who should be blamed. In a suicidal situation, there can only be one to blame, and that is the person who commited the suicide. End of story and everyone needs to grow up and get off Chop's back.

New member
Oct 18, 2005
first of all choptalk wilheim gave you a warning because the thread was tasteless and insensitive.. you deserve to get at least a warning for that, although I think picking out one person who we all know you hate and making jokes about them committing suicide is something that should have gotten you banned for a few months.
I don't place any blame on the person who sold Cho the guns.. Obviously there is some blame on CHO himself but I do place some blame on the psychiatry's stance on individual rights to be treated or not to be treated despite the severity of their illness or the danger they pose to society. Unfortunately Cho was a person who needed to be either put on large doses of medication or been living in a psychiatric ward.
I'm making mention of Virginia Tech because some people like CHO have poor coping mechanisms and are unable to handle senseless or seemingly harmless teasing. Look at the kids at Columbine.. Not everyone was shot at Columbine.. Harris and Klebold even told certain people they liked to leave school and go home. The kids they went after were those who incessantly berated them day after day.. While for most of us it's harmless for some people it isn't.
fucnluc, the things I've seen you post are absolutely disgusting and sad.. good luck to you on your bets
BIGPIG19, I wouldn't be at all surprised if there have been mentally ill people who have committed suicide because of what they have read on the internet. sad, but probably true.. it's hard though for any normal healthy person to understand. Suicide is selfish, however most who commit suicide are severely ill, so they don't have the same perspective as you do.. How do you know you yourself aren't immune from suicide.. maybe you have but maybe you haven't experienced prolonged severe depression.. What your saying is kind of like someone who's never had a drink saying, "how can someone become addicted to alcohol, those weak, selfish people"

Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ap
Jul 5, 2006
first of all choptalk wilheim gave you a warning because the thread was tasteless and insensitive.. you deserve to get at least a warning for that, although I think picking out one person who we all know you hate and making jokes about them committing suicide is something that should have gotten you banned for a few months.
I don't place any blame on the person who sold Cho the guns.. Obviously there is some blame on CHO himself but I do place some blame on the psychiatry's stance on individual rights to be treated or not to be treated despite the severity of their illness or the danger they pose to society. Unfortunately Cho was a person who needed to be either put on large doses of medication or been living in a psychiatric ward.
I'm making mention of Virginia Tech because some people like CHO have poor coping mechanisms and are unable to handle senseless or seemingly harmless teasing. Look at the kids at Columbine.. Not everyone was shot at Columbine.. Harris and Klebold even told certain people they liked to leave school and go home. The kids they went after were those who incessantly berated them day after day.. While for most of us it's harmless for some people it isn't.
fucnluc, the things I've seen you post are absolutely disgusting and sad.. good luck to you on your bets
BIGPIG19, I wouldn't be at all surprised if there have been mentally ill people who have committed suicide because of what they have read on the internet. sad, but probably true.. it's hard though for any normal healthy person to understand. Suicide is selfish, however most who commit suicide are severely ill, so they don't have the same perspective as you do.. How do you know you yourself aren't immune from suicide.. maybe you have but maybe you haven't experienced prolonged severe depression.. What your saying is kind of like someone who's never had a drink saying, "how can someone become addicted to alcohol, those weak, selfish people"

Why dont you just stick to the offshore forum if you dont like it. Fukking grow a sack man you sound like a whiny lil bitch.

Oct 31, 2004
first of all choptalk wilheim gave you a warning because the thread was tasteless and insensitive.. you deserve to get at least a warning for that, although I think picking out one person who we all know you hate and making jokes about them committing suicide is something that should have gotten you banned for a few months.
I don't place any blame on the person who sold Cho the guns.. Obviously there is some blame on CHO himself but I do place some blame on the psychiatry's stance on individual rights to be treated or not to be treated despite the severity of their illness or the danger they pose to society. Unfortunately Cho was a person who needed to be either put on large doses of medication or been living in a psychiatric ward.
I'm making mention of Virginia Tech because some people like CHO have poor coping mechanisms and are unable to handle senseless or seemingly harmless teasing. Look at the kids at Columbine.. Not everyone was shot at Columbine.. Harris and Klebold even told certain people they liked to leave school and go home. The kids they went after were those who incessantly berated them day after day.. While for most of us it's harmless for some people it isn't.
fucnluc, the things I've seen you post are absolutely disgusting and sad.. good luck to you on your bets
BIGPIG19, I wouldn't be at all surprised if there have been mentally ill people who have committed suicide because of what they have read on the internet. sad, but probably true.. it's hard though for any normal healthy person to understand. Suicide is selfish, however most who commit suicide are severely ill, so they don't have the same perspective as you do.. How do you know you yourself aren't immune from suicide.. maybe you have but maybe you haven't experienced prolonged severe depression.. What your saying is kind of like someone who's never had a drink saying, "how can someone become addicted to alcohol, those weak, selfish people"

Dude im beginning to think you have issues.

You take things way too serious.

Geez, get laid or something please
Oct 15, 2006
Dude im beginning to think you have issues.

You take things way too serious.

Geez, get laid or something please

Actually, i don't have anything against newb, but yeah, lets just say i know who the guy is and leave him alone, OK. Can we leave it at that?

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