My Mid life crisis.......By Steammaker.....


Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
Dear journal,

Well another day goes by, I was good today, I only made 42 NBA bets tonight. I won 87 units of monopoly money, just ask Inspades or Death eats a fudgepacker....I am 37 now and still a geek..My wife is getting bigger by the day as is my forehead and my gut..All I do all day is stay home and watch Donbest and pop Ativan...Oh well at least I have my internet friends...they think I m cool...right guys??? you do right?? you think the Steammaker is cool dont you? Cmon guys me and my connected buddies are cool...I will buy you steaks and beers I promise...

You are a such a loser dude....Here are some of you better Petey JR bashing moments....

Steamqueer says:

I must really impress you for you to be following me everywhere.I should be flattered,but really I'm more me a favor and just stay in the rubber room.You guys are right at home there.Pete,you're close friends with Madcapper,Nuff said .................

Either one of us could cap you under the table any day..Get your buddy BLACKLAB and the 4 of us can have a little showdown...Hes in ur office he shouldnt be hard to find....Thats because You are BLACKLAB, the same poster who got chased from MW for borrowing money..The pot cant call the kettle black biatch...Maybe I should post the dialogue of both posters and everyone can see for themselves exactly who u are...

Steammaker says:

follow people into their threads you know as a woman just goes to show you how inadequate he feels.he's still young,but hopefully he can turn his life around.take care and all the best to you.

LMAO...thanks parents are pissed too..they were hoping I would take a different route than the college..get a career path one I decided to choose....They too hope that I turn my life around and become a professional RX poster/gambler...What a loser you are..lmao.How about we post something useful like our transcripts or grades...It makes you look bad to call me unsuccessful, because they are pppl on here who know me in real life and are laughing their asses off at you...I dont think many posters are going to take your side when you are agreeing with Identity....Good call..That really takes down my credibilty...

Steammaker says:

Pete,I wished you good luck before.please stay out of my threads.I've never gone in to a thread of yours and bashed you.I even offered a challenge with you to shut you declined it.
I don't want to stop posting here on account of bad Karma like yourself.

Dude, I never said NO to your challenge..I said NO to the 3000.00 part of it..Dont make it seem like I backed down...You know I didnt, so shut the FVck up..Me and you and lab and Madcapper..whaddya say....

AND NOW for the best STEAMMAKER comment of the year:

I hear from someone in BC he is a loser.obviously the internet is the only thing he has going on in his life,so let him have his fun....

OMG...this is hilliarious...DO u know how big BC is? or or you just some dumb uninformed hilly-billy who has never left his state? I live in a very upscale REMOTE town on Vancouver Island..I m originally from Ontario, moved out here for work..Do not know many ppl in BC yet.....So you see your BAD attempt at looking connected goes for not again...Any Canadians or anyone educated will get a good kick out of your comment...British Columbia could fit like 5 states in terms of physical size...You dumb uneducated hill billy....I know someone in BC that says he is a loser...lmao...What part of BC...langley, surrey, kelowna, Golden, penticton....the province is huge..20 hrs to drive from side to are so dumb ...lmao...I think they are like 3 posters that live in BC on the RX ...One lives about 6 hr drive away and the other lives in kamloops which is about 9 hrs away...So i doubt you heard I was a loser ...Di d u ask by my real name or did you ask your friend from BC if PETE ROSE JR was a loser ?? lmao..

I have been at RX for about a year and a half reg date is wrong...I have around 1600 posts in 17 months we will say....AVERAGE 3.13 posts a day,,,General can verify...

You have been here since December 2004 and have 795 posts...lmao..AVerage of 15.14 posts per day...LMAO...Im hardly the one that needs a

you are so dumb..its too easy to pick ur hill billy comments apart...

You have also posted almost 500 plays in 1.5 months...LMAO...u sure are a make roughly 11-14 bets per day...lmao..ur a loser...We will see ur record at the end of the season...ALso its easy to play with monopoly UNiTS.....

this MR.Green character is up 28 units so far...U dont hear nothin from him about what a pro he is or how great he is and how shat everyone else is..

Being 37, you must have a daughter thats close enough to my age for me and my buddies to fvck...They will be 4 of us going to VEGAS and we were just wondering if maybe we could use her at the bash as a toy or something...You know fvck her until she looks like a piece of swiss cheese...We could call her the kettle.there wouldnt be a hole of hers left unopened....It would be perfect the steammaker and his little off-spring THE KETTLE.......ahhhhh...

You cant keep up mentally so why try it just makes you look uneducated and stupid...OH I better be careful what I say....I forgot your friend makes lines for the UFC must be tough then...lmao....

How come nobody respected comes into your threads and vouches for your credibillity and professionalism.?? ANd I mean someone with more than 3 posts..PEACE..Let me know us know about your daugther...If it cant be arranged we might have to use identity.....yikes...


P.S. Your following of 4 people will eventually lose their shirts and bankroll..just like the square losers who followed you at MW....I dont bash for no reason..I bash beacuse of your igenda that was brought to my attention by a few posters here..Peace..Check your facts before replying this is too easy for me....Steammaker = Mental Midget.........If you stop posting it wont make me feel bad by the way...Its funny how u hold that over my there will be some kind of revolt against are a funny guy....Peace
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Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Pete Rose JR said:

You are brain dead.

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
obsession...thats a good one....u sure are witty...

CAN you please take Steammakers balls out of your mouth..I am having trouble understanding

BRAIN DEAD.......AT least I can cap for myself and dont need to ride someones a chump...too square to think for

Have a good day.....

New member
Sep 21, 2004


I like the Blacklab (one of the internet's top losers) being in the same office with the same posting style and same 25 bets per day.

I thought I was the only one seeing thru the bs here

I can't sing ain't pretty and my legs are thin
Dec 5, 2004
Hey're from BC? Why didn't you say so?...........Do you know my friend Bill?.........He's from there, if you run into him tell him John from Maine was asking for him.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

Dont let this shhitt bother you. this is what happens. Some nitwit decides to pick on a certain person for no particular reason and his loser ass kissing buddies follow. Being young rocks! & Canada is cool too! Canadians are fine people & i can say that since i've had a few Canadian friends in the past.

Sometimes, If one is real lucky that loser opens his mouth just one time too many and ends up getting himself banned. Well, I dont know about others but it sure did happen in Raiders72001's case.

Now let me take a moment & thank the Rx Mods for making Rx a Raiders72001 free enviornment. After all the guy was a blood sucking leech from which there was no escape.:drink:


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