A couple interesting facts from this afternoon's happy hour at the local upscale not quite Vegas bar:
-The bartender, who was quite attractive, was bemoaning the fact that her alma mater had one of the worst mascots ever.
I said "what is it?"
She goes "the Poets, we had a guy dressed like a fucking poet".
I said, "Oh, you went to Whittier huh".
-Factoid #2:
About 30 minutes later, a dude sits down. A do a double-take, not because he is attractive, but because he looks exactly like a former WWF/WCW wrestler. I try not to be a big douche, but eventually we make conversation about the sportcenter on the TV, and he is in fact someone I would consider a mid-card star. (I withhold the name because this is fucking pay-per-view folks) Turned out to be a pretty decent guy.