I'm becoming even more distraught now. This guy was so privileged to be taken out of Afg to be raised here. Unfortunately it turns out he became a radical Muslim terrorist. Now we knew his possible motives - Self radicalized, gay hating, gay loving (or both). Oh yeah, a gun nut too :shoota:
But something else has been gnawing at me and SB's video confirms it. I don't know where to place this new variable on the list - This guy was really, really stupid! Reminds me of some of the idiots that have visited here to spew idiocy, like Oren, DarylParsons, and Roscoesdad. Stupid, and full of baseless hate. The guy would probably score a 62 if tested on what is in the Koran. Just a stupid, angry, world hating, self hating, dead and took a bunch of great people with him, Mother Fucker! And speaking of his parents Fuck them too!