My computer every few days will shutdown while idle in windows or just browsing. It did this last week once. Then a few days ago it shutdown again. I turned it back on and nothing happend. The HD light was on and the CD drive light was on. The HD seems ok I checked with an ext. enclosure. The PSU seems ok, its about 6 months old 550w Rosewill. When I turn CPU on all the lights fans, gpu proc fans turn on but nothing happens, no post beeps, bios or anything. Black screen. So I've narrowed it down to either the MB or Processor. I have a 478socket Albatron and a P4 3.2Ghz proc. I don't think they sell those socket mb's anymore, I could go to ebay and find a replacement. Does it sound like the mb or possible the processor? I have no way to test other than replacing one.