Good answer. I guess that's all you got when the facts have you beat.
Muslim extremists are are right wing extremists......that's just the truth. Sorry it hurts you so much. Maybe you can talk some sense into them.
"right wing extremists"
Before the community organizer, that term didn't even exist as far as threats to national security. Nothing but made-up political bullshit. But that's what you get for electing an Alinsky radical to the White House.
Man, is the next POTUS going to have fumigate a TON of these govt agencies as radical leftism has been institutionalized.
"I don't need to research!"
The scary part is you don't even know the right wing killers.....have same exact thoughts as you. You are them. Creepy stuff.
Still on the research thing. Wanna know why nobody is backing you up on that? Lmao. How many posters have called you out on twisting quotes. It's been quite a few. "right wing extremists" warnings or memos from Homeland Security during the Bush years. Why do you suppose that is?
Because this nonsense is just red meat for your idiot left wing base (Guesser, vtard, duhhhhfinch, Pavian) who will bend over and/or swallow on command, that's why.
Nobody outside of the Bernie "Climate Change created the ISIS" Sanders nut job left believes in "right wing extremism"
"The math didn't work for me"
You are scary stupid, kiddo.
The right wing extremists were always there but they organized and angry when a black liberal was elected. Like terrorists got organized after disaster bush admin created Iraq war. Terrorists and right wing extremists have done a lot of shooting this year. Need to get control of both groups.
We know, we didn't have to research, you just know this stuff (pulled it out of your ass).
Allen West hates this motherfucker more than I do...and you wanna pin the anger on Hussein's race, who isn't even black.
"I don't have to research!
You can't make up this kind of stupid!
Allen West was sent packing because he's a Wack job. I always forget you right wingers say he isn't black. Hysterical.
You you are a weird guy. Why would I research answers that trends and I both know and agree on. This is why people keep calling you out for twisting words.
Black and liberal got the extremists really nuts. Remember " we need to take our country back"
I know YOU believe he's black and he identifies himself as black, but....he ain't black. And the majority agree with me and not you:
"A new Pew Research Center study reports that 52 percent of people say Obama is “mixed race” while 27 percent say he’s “black.” The findings were first pointed out Monday by Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post.
Obama, whose mother was white and whose father was black, self-identifies as black. Filling out census forms in 2010, Obama checked the box identifying himself as “black.”
The Kenyan is a shameless opportunist and professional liar. He even threw his "racist white grandmother" under the bus to advance a radical political agenda.
Just like your poker bullshit that nobody believes, anyone who isn't a total left wing nut job can smell Hussein's bullshit like a fart in the car with the windows up and heat on.