I basically disagree with everything you post. I don't have time to argue what really happened in Viet Nam with an Air Force non combatant.
I am very familiar with the VA and don't feel they were part of the real problem back in the 60s and 70s or even now in the present day. I agree 100% with Kerry about the atrocities US forces commited in SEA
40 or so years ago.. You are so blinded by your political bias that you cannot see the forrest for the trees.
Given a time machine to go back to early Novemeber of 2000 I am sure you would vote for Bush again.
Your liberal media is responsible for everything drivel is also even more redudant today than it was back in 2004 when it was your mantra.
Read Home to War: A History of the Vietnam Veterans' Movement by Gerald Nicosia (available at Amazon) and learn the truth.
Look around for a change and see what has happened in the last 8 years to the United States, it's criminal.
I consider myself lucky to be able to live in Latin America now.
I basically disagree with everything you post. I don't have time to argue what really happened in Viet Nam with an Air Force non combatant.
Jesus Wil - what a weak statement. I know you're a liberal, but I always thought better of you than this.
You don't know me or my history in Vietnam or in South Korea in '68, yet you instantly marginalize me because I was in the Air Force - a "REMF" as you put it. I hope it makes you feel better.