I think political ads should be outlawed. Have more debates. Debates should settle elections, not 30 second sound bites where lies and slander are prevalent. The amounts spent on tv advertising is obscene.
Notice how idiotic the premise is here. $ = "bought election"
Because when more money is spent, the candidate always wins!
Except for that special election in Florida the Democrats just lost...
If idiots like guesser didn't exist, the right would have to invent them to argue against. That is how much of parody this lunacy is.
Irrelevant videos?
Ok, I get it they are not your Faux News videos.
Watch them sometimes you might learn something new that normally won't penetrate your bubble.
Notice how the Lying Loon picks out one obscure special election, and tries to portray that big money doesn't rule in politics. He is a proven liar, and of course, he's lying again. /
YES, it is, Casper. One of us is for taking big money out of elections and the corruption it invariably brings. The other wants to maintain the status quo and make big money even more influential. As always, you are for the ruling class. I am for the average Joe, unless he's a birther loon sheriff.
What an ignorant statement, by an ignorant Ghost. How does one buy an election? By Contributing 100's of Millions of Dollars to Super PAC's and Candidates, Maroon. Just like you want. Big Money Controls, little guy gets the shaft.
Notice how the Lying Loon picks out one obscure special election, and tries to portray that big money doesn't rule in politics. He is a proven liar, and of course, he's lying again. Big Money rules FAR more often then not, it corrupts the system, whether winning elections and/or what candidates support once they win those elections. http://letsfreecongress.org/
Except I'm not "lying" since what I said is true.
See idiot, that election was so "obscure" that the Democrats & unions sunk over $2 million into it in their losing effort.
You can't respond to that so you'll attack things I never said.
While of course pretending you've caught me in some "lie"
Shame on Acebb for chosing the most recent election available. Are you kidding me. And you call that election obscure when it is just the beginning of what is to come. I don't "guess" you have figured out that some donate both ways. Stopping the campaign money will not stop the corruption either. Lobbying is the bigger problem, always was, always will be.