NICE comeback! Translation: I just got kicked in the balls and bitch slapped, and I have few, if any, supporters of that schmuck whose dick is firmly ensconced in my ass, so I'll just deflect and fall back on my all stand-by: anybody who disagrees with me is a Jew hater...including all those publications above, most of whom are based in Israel.
You keep thinkin', Fringy, that's what you're good at...azzkick(&^ointer:Slapping-silly90))
"kicked in the balls and bitch slapped?" "anybody who disagrees with me is a Jew hater?"
Did somebody forget that before he was outed as a ghost I turned him into a corpse? Does this moron translate my refusal to continue toying with him as some type of surrender? Or is the REALITY that I stop responding because everyone knows he's a sick loon and that it is a badge to be hated and called idiotic names by him? What a moron!
Allow this DJ to put that record back on.....
Jew haters call 'Palestine' a "dispossessed nation."
Iranian scum (post #40) who use Palestinian terror groups as their proxies.
Palestine, the womb and nexus of modern-day Arab Islamic terror.
Terror that aligned itself with Finch's ideological cousin, Adolf Hitler.
Murderers who want to finish what Hitler started.
Mass murder in the form of suicide bombings and deli massacres, ©Palestine.
Terror that has metastasized and spread like cancer throughout the world and has murdered Americans numerous times, ©Palestine.
People who think rationally and whose brains are not dogshit know that Israel is the world's barbed wire against this evil.
But irrational, hateful people want to "Boycott" Israel, and post insipidly of "Israeli atrocities." These people have the nerve to say they don't want Israel vaporized from the map. While they mouth the same words as an Iranian dictator.
And then when beaten to a bloody pulp in the debate, they change the subject to the Israeli leader, as if his mistakes and misdeeds are worse than any nation's leader, let alone any murderous Arab thug dictator.
And then the whackjob resorts to calling me a liar and a racist. That is laughable.
A bigot who condemns the only Jewish State in the world, multiple times in this forum, which as I've shown is THE EXACT SAME THING as supporting the terrorists who want Israel to be vaporized.
Any sane person in this forum knows who can "proof up" and who desperately needs a fucking lobotomy.
God needs to intervene and give Ben Carson his license back. It's the Jew hating moron's only hope!