You Right Wing scumbags have beet a little QUIET lately, haven't you? Why is that? Hmmm, maybe the following article has something to do with it. What was Shrub's approval rating at the same point in his 2nd term? A wee bit under 56%, I'd be willing to wager. But, wait, stop, I'm way ahead of you: the respondents to the question are all stupid Democrats who don't know what's good for them right?ointer:Shush()*
That's nothing compared to how quiet you're about to become. A little embarrassed, PUSSY? RTOLFLMAO (or something like that).
A quick glance reveals I've made 15-20 posts today, way more than average; are you ever right about ANYTHING, you moronic, racist, cowardly, paranoid stalker who sees Jew haters in his soup? When are you gonna come "visit" me, you punk ass Snitch Bitch? Loser!@#0:scared1:cockingasnook():bigfinger
DaCorpse barreling down the street, screeching toward 5,000. Everyone can hear the muffler as the jalopy struggles to the end, too dumb to be embarrassed by how it looks, or how it sounds. Find a cliff......
You seem to think that posting a comment by somebody that they didn't say is funny, Snitch Bich, it only shows what a consistent liar you are. I wouldn't piss on you if your gums were on fire.