Thousands and thousands of lives saved so will only continue to save lives. In 2045....right wing nitwits will be giving credit to Romney for the ACA. You guys are idiots for generations.
The claim that Obamacare “saved 50,000 lives” came from a government (AHRQ) report. Note the report said: It’s not possible to literally count the number of deaths prevented in the same way you can count actual deaths. So the authors of the report had to use a complicated set of estimating techniques to come up with the 50,000 figure.
The authors of the report that Obama cited also hedged a bit on the causes for the decline, writing that "the precise causes of the decline in patient harm are not fully understood."
So the 50,000 figure they are claiming is “fact” is an estimate derived from “complicated estimating techniques” about an event that is not fully understood and precise causes are not known. Additionally, the estimates about this are “due in part to initiatives woven into the Affordable Care Act.” What % of patients were saved due in part? Oh, nobody knows.
It is so comical how leftist "facts" are always convoluted bullshit.
not a shred of credibility on anything, words have no meaning with them, I wouldn't trust them to run a $ 5 office pool. They're dishonest to a fault
I cannot tell you guys exactly what would have happened had I gone through my recent and ongoing health issues under my old plan. I can tell you that under my old plan I rarely was sick so I didn't use it much. But I will say that when I needed tests or bloodwork they hardly paid for shit. I am still with the same company Blue Cross (Keystone Silver) but I registered through the ACA.
I've been billed over 15K so far with a lot more on the way since my nose bleeds started fucking with my life in August, including 3 ER visits I haven't even been billed for yet. For the first hospital bill, 12,000 Blue Cross declined NOTHING and every doctor except one accepted what my insurance paid. He billed me for 17 bucks.
I've had a few post-op visits to doctors with copays ranging from 10-30 dollars. My surgery was outpatient and I had to lay out $150 co-pay there. Haven't seen what the full bill is for that (arterial ligation) but my portion is paid.
My at home sleep study was turned down as I was third tier with the lab. I laid out $300 bucks there. Wish I had not because it turns out I die 34 times an hour every night and now they want me to wear an alien on my face that whispers in my ear all night while I fight to sleep on my back, a position I loathe. A machine that ends up in the back of everyones closet who tries it. No Thank You!!!
But anyway you guys all know I hate Obama. But I'm very pleased with my new health insurance. As a world famous internet forum fella more than once exclaimed..... "Not gonna lie!"
AHI above 30 is severe, my friend. Not good. Significant increased risk of disease with no treatment. Compliance with CPAP , as you noted, terrible-- once study reports after year one, as high as 70% will not use it. IT IS effective, and will get that number way down-- its the Gold Standard. However there are other options.
that all said, your AHI number will decrease with weight loss. In fact, weight gain (overweight/obese) is a risk factor for OSA. Of course, no idea if you're overweight or not, thought i'd share
You forgot to mention .... Sleep Apnea not only obstructs sleep. It prevents weight loss, grrr.
Some good news the cardio guy discharged me today. No heart issues. Pressure still nuts though. Can be 120/65 and 15 minutes later 155/100. And no, not because somebody throws a pick6 lol! Added metoprolol 25 to the Irbesartan 300 and HydroChorothiazide 25. Also, swelling is down in ankles, below first level on the scale. ENT on 22nd.