Militant Islam: Enemy of Civilization


Aug 6, 2006
May 21, 2014
Militant Islam: Enemy of Civilization
By William A. Levinson

Most bullies run like rats when you confront them head-on, and this includes the purveyors of the toxic ideology they (not I) call Islam -- at least in a civilized country where they cannot run to compliant and/or corrupt jurists who will enforce a speech code. The agenda of using Islam as a cover for a war against human rights, and Civilization itself, stops here, and it stops now.

General Patton said, "It is difficult to make our fine American youth understand that the enemy wants to kill him. …I use the language of soldiers who are ready to kill." It is similarly difficult to make Euro-Americans understand that certain people who call themselves Muslims want to kill our civilization, our society and our way of life. The power to name a thing is the power to control or destroy it and, if we are afraid to so much as name the enemy, we are helpless against him.
Militant Islam is the enemy, plain and simple. An Islamist may claim to be a Muslim, wear Islamic clothing, and engage in Islamic rituals, but he is as inferior to a Muslim as an ape is to a human. Islamists are to Islam what Nazis were to Germany; practitioners of a despicable and subhuman behavioral choice that is as much a menace to decent Muslims as Nazism was to decent Germans. Most victims of senseless Islamist violence are, despite spectacular examples like 9/11 to the contrary, Muslims.

Before anybody invokes Godwin's Law, consider this video from Hamas. It talks openly about annihilation of Jews, and Islamic domination of the entire world. The last ideology to promote extermination of Jews along with world domination came with a swastika, and it meant every word it said.
Why Must We Use the Language of War?
Refusal to name or even acknowledge the enemy, whether an aggressor like Hitler or lethal defects in Genral Motors ignition switches, kills people. Lord Voldemort, whom J.K. Rowling modeled on Adolf Hitler, became almost too powerful to stop because everybody called him "He who must not be named." Political correctness enforcer Dolores Umbridge punished Harry Potter for naming Voldemort, and a complicit press similarly defamed Albus Dumbledore (modeled partially on Sir Winston Churchill) for doing the same. Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge refused to acknowledge Voldemort's existence the way his real-world counterpart Neville Chamberlain pretended that Hitler didn't mean every word he said.
Speech codes at General Motors, including rules against words like "safety," "defect," "failure," and "problem," may have contributed to the deadly ignition switch fiasco. Militant Islam, and its useful idiots in academia, government, and the media, have made it quite clear that Islamic fundamentalism is similarly not to be named despite its central role in many of the world's problems.

  • Barack Obama dismissed the Fort Hood massacre as "workplace violence," which denied the victims of an obvious act of terrorism the Purple Heart medal. While Obama and his cohorts were eager to blame Adam Lanza's rampage on access to firearms, they did everything possible to downplay the fact that Soldier of Allah Nidal Hasan brayed to Allah while he slaughtered American military personnel in a purportedly gun-free zone.
  • The Los Angeles Times reports, "Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau galvanized the disdain with a chilling boast: 'I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by God.'" This is not what he said. He said, "I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by Allah." Boko Haram means that Western education is forbidden, which underscores militant "Islam's" need to keep its followers dirt-ignorant, superstitious, and mindlessly compliant.
  • Islamists define the non-Islamic world, including the wrong kinds of Muslims, as the Dar-al-Harb, or House of War. " is permitted to kill him, because he is a Harbi [enemy] and the Harbi spreads corruption throughout the face of the earth." Harbi is simply the Islamist counterpart of the Nazis' Untermensch (subhuman), and so are kafir and infidel.
  • Penn State's Muslim Student Association (MSA) tried to get the university to censor an art student's display of anti-terrorist artwork, and also invited a Neo-Nazi to speak on the campus. The Muslim Student Association was also behind Tufts University's infamous act of censorship against an on-campus newspaper, and Brandeis' decision to withdraw Ayaan Hirsi Ali's honorary degree.
  • As reported by Pamela Geller in American Thinker, "Daniel Mael, a student at Brandeis and a courageous defender of truth and freedom, reported Thursday that 'the editorial board of Al-Talib, the [Islamist] Newsmagazine at UCLA, called on Jewish student Avinoam Baral to disassociate himself from the pro-Israel program Hasbara Fellowships due to the group's alleged Islamophobia.'"
  • A Sudanese "religious judge" sentenced a Christian woman to hang for being a Christian. In addition, "Ibrahim’s story reminds me of a dear friend of mine, Mary Achai, whose [Islamist] slave master set her on fire, along with three of her children, because she ran away when she learned that he planned to sell her 10-year-old daughter as a virgin bride." I replaced "Muslim" with "Islamist" to underscore that the word's purpose is to disown on Islam's behalf individuals like this pimp, human trafficker, and accessory to child rape.
  • Dutch politician Geert Wilders was maliciously prosecuted for "inciting hatred and discrimination" against Islamists.
  • Political correctness has promoted racist depictions of Islamist rapists as "Asians." Hindus, Sikhs, and peaceful Muslims from Central Asia are not the problem, and we ought to judge people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.
It is therefore necessary to treat the enforcers of political correctness with the respect they deserve. This is to deploy a simple, precise, and in-their-faces wartime pejorative for the enemy.
Choose the Right Word
Colonel Paul Linebarger's Psychological Warfare makes it emphatically clear that it is counterproductive to demonize people who are not our enemies, and who might even want to be our friends. Many American Muslims immigrated to get away from the Islamists, the same way German Jews tried to immigrate (Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt sent them back) to get away from the Nazis. It is vital to use a word that identifies the enemy through the content of his character as opposed to the color of his skin, or ethnicity, or legitimate religious beliefs, and segregates him very clearly from neutrals and friends. "Islamist" acknowledges the enemy's similarity to a Muslim, but refuses to acknowledge his equality to one.
To recap:

  • Islamists are to Islam what Nazis were to Germany.
  • Islamists are to Islam what the Westboro "God Hates Everybody but Us" Baptist Church is to Christianity, except the latter does not advocate violence.
  • Islamists are to Islam what the Ku Klux Klan is to Caucasians.
  • Islamists are to Islam what Al Sharpton's National Action Network is to Black people.
  • Islamists are to Islam what cancer is to healthy tissue.
Furthermore, a behavioral choice, as in "By their works shall ye know them," is not a race, a religion, or an ethnicity. A behavioral choice is not entitled to the tolerance and nondiscrimination that decent people give to races, religions, or ethnicities, and it is past time that we denounce the Islamists for the self-made dregs of humanity they are. Any questions?
William A. Levinson is the author of several books on business management including content on organizational psychology, as well as manufacturing productivity and quality.

Aug 6, 2006
So there it is, right there. To be opposed to those who have a sick ideology they employ as their excuse to blow up innocent people to force a society into submission, to oppose stonings and beheadings, to oppose Sharia Law, to oppose rape victims being blamed instead of their attackers, etc -- does not make one a bigot or anti-Muslim.

Sep 21, 2004
MILITANT anything is generally bad. The Militant Anti Abortionist who bombs an Abortion clinic in the name of Christianity is the same level.
The problem is too many(not you) just tie in Muslims in general with that type of behavior, and will call a Muslim a Cock Roach or worse just because he/she is a Muslim and they disagree with something he/she is doing.

Aug 6, 2006
Guesser their are tenets of mainstream Islam today that are quite disturbing, and I am not referring to archaic laws. One is the acceptance of sex slaves, which leads to women and little girls (deemed inferior), being kidnapped. The general question as a whole is can Muslims live in a society that has embraced Western culture without trying to overturn it?

Sep 21, 2004
Guesser their are tenets of mainstream Islam today that are quite disturbing, and I am not referring to archaic laws. One is the acceptance of sex slaves, which leads to women and little girls (deemed inferior), being kidnapped. The general question as a whole is can Muslims live in a society that has embraced Western culture without trying to overturn it?

Can they? Yes. My zip code has actually been called the most diverse zipcode in the US, depending on the study. There are many Muslims here, they might be the most plentiful group. They aren't trying to overturn anything. They live here, just like I do. They own Stores, Restaurants. Food Trucks. There's No Sharia law. They sit on Benches on the main street, playing cards, sitting and watching their kids play, yakking on their smartphones.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
The next time the “good” Muslims ban together to reject the “bad” Muslims will be their first time.

Actions speak louder then words.
Sep 21, 2004
MILITANT anything is generally bad. The Militant Anti Abortionist who bombs an Abortion clinic in the name of Christianity is the same level.
The problem is too many(not you) just tie in Muslims in general with that type of behavior, and will call a Muslim a Cock Roach or worse just because he/she is a Muslim and they disagree with something he/she is doing.

Equating the extent of militant Islam and it's harmful effects, with abortion bombers has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever read on here.

The number of abortion clinic bombings per year can be measured in single digits on one hand. The number of militant Islamists and those who support that ideology are numbered in the 100s of millions.

It is estimated that 10-15% of Muslims support Sharia Law in it's entirety:

So, the sewer rat's posting is so utterly stupid and inane, it's laughable. It's something we've come to expect from the forum scum rat.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Apr 14, 2006
Equating the extent of militant Islam and it's harmful effects, with abortion bombers has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever read on here.

The number of abortion clinic bombings per year can be measured in single digits on one hand. The number of militant Islamists and those who support that ideology are numbered in the 100s of millions.

It is estimated that 10-15% of Muslims support Sharia Law in it's entirety:

So, the sewer rat's posting is so utterly stupid and inane, it's laughable. It's something we've come to expect from the forum scum rat.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Although I thought Guesser was just trying to get a point across, it was a very poor example based on the vast difference in occurrence and frequency.

Sep 21, 2004
I was thinking the exact same thing. Although I thought Guesser was just trying to get a point across, it was a very poor example based on the vast difference in occurrence and frequency.

Nowhere was I equating the rate of occurrence and frequency, just the same sick, insane attitude, based on a perversion of the respective Religions. "The Militant Anti Abortionist who bombs an Abortion clinic in the name of Christianity is the same level." That's why I said it how I said it. Of course Zit is too stupid, and full of Muslim hate to understand the point. At least you kinda get it.

Apr 14, 2006
Well, I see your point, but I kinda get Zit's point too. All too often the liberal media is quick to point out the flaws and wrongdoings of a conservative Christian, especially when it includes some type of psychotic rampage...but yet they protect the Muslims for some strange reason, won't call them terrorists (when they obviously are), and seem to have the support of the Executive Branch of our government as well.

Aug 6, 2006
Nowhere was I equating the rate of occurrence and frequency, just the same sick, insane attitude, based on a perversion of the respective Religions. "The Militant Anti Abortionist who bombs an Abortion clinic in the name of Christianity is the same level." That's why I said it how I said it. Of course Zit is too stupid, and full of Muslim hate to understand the point. At least you kinda get it.

Let's analyze it on a threat level then....

How many anti-abortionist INDIVIDUALS are planning to blow up an abortion clinic in the next 6 months? My guess = 0. How many islamic militant GROUPS are plotting to blow up those they consider infidels in their home countries or areas they've immigrated to in recent years? My guess = many. How many islamic militant GROUPS are plotting to kill Americans right now? My guess = more than 0.


Militant Islam is a threat to our way of life. An intractable enemy. They act in groups, train, carefully plot, and randomly murder innocent people. They have no value for human life.

Anti-abortionists act alone, strike infrequently, and are one and done. In their twisted way they actually value human life. Well at least in their minds. They pose no threat to our way of life.
Sep 24, 2009
Let's analyze it on a threat level then....

How many anti-abortionist INDIVIDUALS are planning to blow up an abortion clinic in the next 6 months? My guess = 0. How many islamic militant GROUPS are plotting to blow up those they consider infidels in their home countries or areas they've immigrated to in recent years? My guess = many. How many islamic militant GROUPS are plotting to kill Americans right now? My guess = more than 0.


Militant Islam is a threat to our way of life. An intractable enemy. They act in groups, train, carefully plot, and randomly murder innocent people. They have no value for human life.

Anti-abortionists act alone, strike infrequently, and are one and done. In their twisted way they actually value human life. Well at least in their minds. They pose no threat to our way of life.

Spot on

Sep 21, 2004
Let's analyze it on a threat level then....

How many anti-abortionist INDIVIDUALS are planning to blow up an abortion clinic in the next 6 months? My guess = 0. How many islamic militant GROUPS are plotting to blow up those they consider infidels in their home countries or areas they've immigrated to in recent years? My guess = many. How many islamic militant GROUPS are plotting to kill Americans right now? My guess = more than 0.


Militant Islam is a threat to our way of life. An intractable enemy. They act in groups, train, carefully plot, and randomly murder innocent people. They have no value for human life.

Anti-abortionists act alone, strike infrequently, and are one and done. In their twisted way they actually value human life. Well at least in their minds. They pose no threat to our way of life.

We agree on which is the bigger threat. That was not the point I was making however. Just the insane mindset, and the perversion of the Religions that both Militant philosophies share.

Aug 6, 2006
Two Stonings and a Beheading - Witnessing Islamic Justice - Tom Stacey (Spectator-UK)
Attending public executions, whether beheadings or stonings, is not my predilection, yet one does come across them in the course of life in Arabia and Pakistan.
Beheading and stoning are the accepted penalties for a range of presumed offenses in much of the Muslim world, and the all-male crowd - especially the old men - push and shove outside Riyadh's main mosque after Friday morning prayer for a better view of offenders losing their heads by the ceremonial sword.
Outside a much smaller mosque in the desert near Hofuf, the miscreants were two women adjudged to be adulterers, and due to be judicially stoned.
In Pakistan last week, the stoning to death of Farzana Parveen, married and pregnant, took place in front of the High Court in Lahore. It was done at the behest of her father, who regarded as adultery his daughter's marriage to a man other than the one he had chosen.

Aug 6, 2006
The War Between ISIS and al-Qaeda for Supremacy of the Global Jihadist Movement

Aaron Y. Zelin

Aaron Y. Zelin examines the history and evolution of relations between ISIS and al-Qaeda, detailing factors that could help determine their respective agendas in the global Jihadi arena.

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The recent insurgency in Iraq has spawned fresh questions about what interests the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) represents and how exactly the organization relates to al-Qaeda. Indeed, although the groups have found tenuous common cause in military engagements such as Iraq, their relations have been characterized by distrust, open competition, and outright hostility. The final break came with ISIS's recent expansion from Iraq into Syria, spurring al-Qaeda to disavow the group earlier this year. In the battle for global jihadist supremacy, ISIS now holds the upper hand, with al-Qaeda struggling just to fend off its own decline.
In this new Institute Research Note, Aaron Y. Zelin examines the history and evolution of relations between ISIS and al-Qaeda, detailing factors that could help or hinder each group in their battle for domination of the global Jihadi arena.
Aaron Y. Zelin is the Richard Borow Fellow at the Washington Institute and the Rena and Sami David Fellow at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence. He also created the website.

Aug 6, 2006
Hamas Summer Camps for Kids Include Military Training - Hazem Balousha (Al-Monitor)
In the streets surrounding the Saraya neighborhood in central Gaza City, boys are lined up in groups like military battalions, wearing paramilitary clothes and surrounded by supervisors in full uniform and carrying weapons, while loudspeakers chant fiery Hamas anthems calling for jihad.
About 100,000 students joined the "Pioneers of Liberation" summer camps organized this year by Hamas.


Aug 6, 2006
Understanding the Mind of Jihad - Clifford D. May
In The Mind of Jihad, written seven years ago for the Pentagon's director of net assessment, Laurent Murawiec explained that jihad implies "warfare with spiritual significance," and thus cannot be seen as "a response to 'colonial aggression,' 'imperialist encroachments,' 'Zionist intrusion' or 'American crimes.'" Jihad was the primary means by which the great Islamic empires of antiquity expanded their borders.
Within the Muslim world, "sizable groups and schools of thought" view the West as weakening, in decline, unwilling and maybe unable to defend itself. They further believe that Muslims have a religious obligation to exploit this opportunity to expand "the writ and word of Allah." "Modern jihad erupted in full force with the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979 in both the Shiite and the Sunni world." Thousands of jihadist attacks have followed over the years since.
Jihadists of the Sunni variety are now fighting on more battlefields than ever, and the Shia rulers of the Islamic republic of Iran, with their eyes on future jihad, have spent an estimated $100 billion to develop a nuclear weapons capability. If they achieve it, our grandchildren will live in a very different world. It's amazing how many people still don't grasp that. The writer is president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. (Washington Times)


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Jihad has been going on for centuries. The article posted by Scott L (Post #18) tells it like it is. Opening our borders is a form of enabling and anyone who thinks no Jihadists have ever entered thru our southern borders needs a little bed rest. The west has empowered them as never before and Obama slowly fans the fire. Oh well, what difference does it make. Sharia law is archaic and that really tells it all. Anyone who adheres to those tenets should be rubbing stones together to start a fire. What guesser is missing is that Sharia law is based on intolerence. Comparing abortion clinic bombers to jihadists is way off. Clinic bombers are simply disturbed people. Jihadists are culturally motivated.

Aug 6, 2006
Thanks for weighing in Russ. Here is the next phase in the battle -- Can people who are so accustomed to bring ruled live together in a free society if offered a taste of it? There is an ongoing debate about what becomes of populations ruled by dictators once we remove the boot.

One idea was installing democratic institutions AKA nation building. The theory was free societies would be less likely to produce people who want to bomb America. In theory it was a good idea. Thus far it has failed. Even the successful uprisings in nations ruled by dictators where the US has not intervened have not produced sustainable free societies. One brutal rule is replaced by another.

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