ESPN is taking a path straight down the tubes. First it was that highly annoying heavy metal background music on SportsCenter. Then the faux boxing matches between Wilbon and the ugly guy. I don't know what makes them think we want to see MORE trash talking on TV. They must be looking at the meager success of Rome and Best Darn Sports Show -- and they think they're losing share because of what Fox is doing, not because they've dumbed down their own product. Don't they know that football (and maybe baseball) is the last bastion of cerebral fans? They must've decided that they must attract a different demographic, but they're losing their core as a result. I actually think Limbaugh could be a turn for the positive, but will withhold judgement until we see how his role is defined. I fear they have him for novelty value and will treat him accordingly. Well, at least we don't have to watch much of the pregame shows because it's prime capping time, but the really depressing part is the deterioration of the poontang quality on MNF. Lisa Guerrero is a disaster. At least they could dress her the way Fox did.