Journey - I'm just trying to get my posts as high as Raiders, and then I'll see if I can catch up to you. But I will need more Oren1's to come out to play.
This doesn't count today's SD loss, it doesn't count yesterday's KC loss and it doesn't count the chase play the day before on Stl. Counting all the plays the odds of being this bad are 1 in 47,000.
Poor little Raiders - Looks like I am kicking your ass in the Rio contest again. Your pick today-Drays=loser. My pick - Rangers=winner. Hell if I win that $750 this week I might just donate the money to the American Faggot Society in your honor. Would that make you feel any better?
Times MYDADISGAY has used the word 'faggot' = 254
times his dad made him get on the "magic stiffy ride" when he was 5 = 345
Coincidence? You be the judge.