He was either AWOL or didn't do shit 9 out of the 9 years you have listed above. The people he represented got ripped off. Now he wants to rip off the entire country with his hope and change slogan. Nice!
I make about as much sense on most posts as you do. Isn't this the part of the site where we make shit up with no supporting information and then bash everyone else until the thread runs out of life?:lol:
Right on! Nixon was the best foreign policy president in modern history, he and Kissinger were near flawless in all their foreign policy endeavors. He like McCain stated that economics was not his strong suit. When McCain gets elected all his liberal detractors should be happy as Nixon as long as congress got out of the way in foreign affairs let the libs have their way in the economic arena giving them some bones. EPA & Osha are good examples.
I got the "he did well in college" part. Thus I said "he did well in college".
Any questions? Do you need additional clarification?
BTW: why does he need a teleprompter when giving his stump speech? Obviously, Sarah can kick his wimpy little ass. Actually, Michelle probably rolls him like a puppy dog.