Which brings the total est. so far to be ~$73.7 million. Wow, I thought the over $135 for 4-day was going to be a sure thing after its tremendous opening gross, but looks like not. Its gonna be close, but I think under will prevail.
I think the 5 million dollar (estimated)wednesday pre-midnight box office addition to Thursday's number, which is starting to piss me off severely, heh, is going to kill the under.
that is major cheating by the studio calling it "sneak previews". I wonder how many more blockbuster films will use this tactic of "sneak previews" and boost up the opening gross.
I'm going to be rooting for Spiderman 2 to break the Matrix's record when they open their movie at 8 pm and then add it to the next day, I'll tell you that much.