

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i didnt want to waste the time looking it up profit

but i would like to get a brief update on the lenghty letter you posted over at mw about how gambing had ruined your pussy life

<oh its so bad,,,boo hooo,, i have lost everything... please help me

a real player you are

30 dollar scams on a peer to peer gambling site

atta boy

New member
Sep 21, 2004
this is pure comedy from this <maroon>

big time gambler>>> lmao

Originally posted by BettingProphets:

There is hardly ever any posts on Gambling Addiction so lets start one.
I am a gambling addict,PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Gambling has corrupted almost every aspect of my life. I have lied and cheated to support this powerful addiction. My relationships with friends and family have suffered from this addiction. I owe a substantial amount of money which I have tried to win it all back over a year and FAILED. I started betting 2 years ago and thought I was really good because I started out +5000 in the first month but over the long haul it all went back ...Funny thing about gambling is we remember all the BIG WINS and the COULD HAVE, SHOULD HAVE, WOULD HAVE BETS. and we continue to kid ourselves that we can just double up and chase it all down. This mode of thinking has created a monster in my instance. I love this industry and have met some very influential people and very knowledgeable people most of who I have the pleasure of calling my friends. This business(wagering between two individual) is an honour system and that is all a man has is his WORD and gambling has made my word shit.


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