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May 31, 2007
I edited that part in after, thats why u missed it.

This is probably a bit of an exaggeration, but I knew I had read stuff like that:

Yes, a real exaggeration.

Things have stopped moving from BC to the USwest coast. The change in the US dollar value in Canada has screwed up the market. Canucks are paid in US dollars. A pound of AAA BC Bud sells for about $2200 in BC. When sold in lots of 10 pounds or more in Seattle, it gets anywhere from $2500 to $2700 an pound. The LA price for lots like that has been $3200 for years.

In the earlier 2000"s, the US dollar was worth $1.60 Canadian. So that $3200 LA price yielded $5400 Canadian. The pot originally cost $2200 and the smugglers charged anywheres from $200 if you knew an east Indian trucker to $600 if you knew a helicopter pilot and people who would drive it all the way to LA through the fruit checks in Northern California. So the profit was between $2600 to $3000 a pound.

Now the dollar is more or less the same when they have to pay the people who run around exchanging small bits at the bank. So the same $3200 US yields about $3400 Canadian, with 600 for the transport now that most of the east Indian truckers have been shut down or killed for being thieves, and you have 3400-600-2200 for a $600 profit. Hardly worth it.

Its even less to the Seattle market. You'd lose money there.

BC Bud is mostly moving east. Probably some goes to the $4000 a pound wholesale market in Chicago and Eastern US. Mohawks take it over the border.

Interesting to hear the prices down where you guys are. $500 an ounce. Wow. That is 8000 a pound. Shows why they will pay 3200 wholesale.

May 31, 2007
Do what you did this before when I was slamming BOS. I am 39 yrs old and know the value of BS that really is BS and you know it Wil. You know the Value of good info...and tosay that I post gargage is you opion. Bud ad money will not be able to save the pain the Bodog is about to inflick on the $$ that people have there.

BY THE WAY I TYPING THIS MESSSAGE FROM A Limo that is taking me and my Bro to to the Wynn..just arrive here just a few min ago and am leaving by 6am on Sunday. I don't care for Bodog and with all respect you should try to protect your posters instead of looking the other way.

You can try to put me on post restriction...and that's your right. But as you know and I hope you do... I have never played at Bodog and its just a matter time before they go down do the posters that coule use you advice to stay clear. Sooner or later he will go down. But the slow pays at this time are thr biggest sign that BoDog will be then next in. Since SBG came as an adsponser they are good if not the bad publicty that tey have received...imo... Is just the result of places like SBR and others that don't realize how strong they are.

I might get banned for saying this but SBG will always be better and more profitable Bodog. Take heed from a peoson has been offshore in for over 12 + years..add money will not justify that bodog is shitv and in the end they will leave the egg on your face that BOS does and if not worse.

Wil I love therx and the info I have obtained her and the comments that I made are there to inform and no bash you...thanks for you time.

Shit man, there is some hilarious stuff over at OGD about Calvin and Mike Cash. I almost pissed myself laughing.

May 31, 2007
I've always wondered who the heck Michael Cash was. This from that other forum, MaxDemo.
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May 31, 2007
It doesn't take a genius to hit soft targets and kill people, especially if they get lucky, like 9/11. They could bomb 500 malls in the U.S. simulataneously and there's almost nothing to stop it.

Exactly. So the question is, why haven't they. Surely that would be a much simpler thing to organize than teaching a bunch of knobs how to fly a 767/757 and then hijacking four airliners and flying them into buildings.

Or just training a few "islamofacists" to fly little Cessna's, pack them with a few hundred pounds of high explosive, and fly them into jumbos coming in to land or takeoff where they can be easily picked off? Why hasn't that happened.

I'd say its because there really isn't a terrorist islamofascist threat. You'd have to be wired on Chrystal Myth to not see that.

But that's just one atheist woman's opinion.

May 31, 2007
Not everybody. You can be put here for any truthful post about Calvin Ayre or Bodog.

May 31, 2007
Tokens you even know what a "threat" is? Would you call 9/11, with promises of more to come a threat? Have you noticed that these "unrelated" plots that coincidently involve Muslims plotting or killing civilians in the U.S. are happening with increasing frequency? I the past few months we've had Fort Dix, today's plot and a Bosnian Muslim refugee who killed several people in a shopping mall. I guess you think nothing is a threat until it personally happens to you. What about the scumbags that were caught in the practice-run stage of blowing up about 10 trans-Atlantic flights between England and the U.S. Please wake with your "there really isn't a terrorist islamofacist threat" make me sick. And don't worry, Canada is DEFINATELY not exempt from this shit. You'll have plently to talk about north of the border when the shit hits the fan there. Then you can try out your theories with your fellow Canucks after they've been hit, and see how receptive they are.

I think most Canadians are fully aware that if there is a terrorist attack in Canada, it will be engineered in the United States, as a tactic to get Canadians to give up the same freedoms that Americans lost when the Bush administration at least allowed 9/11 to happen, if not actively participated in engineering it.

I'm sure you havent done this AL, but have any of the brighter people reading this ever considered that if Al Queda didn't exist, the military-industrial criminals and the neo cons would have had to invent it. And we know one thing for sure. At one point in time, Al Queda didn't exist.

The logical extension of the 9/11 attacks, if they were not approved in the Bush adminstration, would have been to have pressed the advantage, with the types of attacks you and I talked about above. Had even a few of those things been done, you would be living in a third world economy and a lot of Arabic speaking people would be very rich from the money they made shorting every major American industrial stock and index. American airlines would be bankrupt. Nobody in their right mind would get in a Boeing airplane anywhere in the world. And thousands of other results that come about when a "terrorist" analyses how vulnerable profits are to violence and acts on that analysis.

That didn't happen. That wasn't in the script. An invasion of Afghanistan was in the script. An invasion of Iraq was in the script. For some reason, instead of a few operatives coming over from the middle East and reducing the American economy to rubble, they took to blowing themselves up in Baghdad. What did happen is that hundreds of billions of dollars of American tax dollars were transferred to companies that make things that kill people, some 3500 of your young men were killed in the process of their killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraquis and tens of thousands of your people were maimed in the process of maiming hundreds of thousands of theirs.

But there has not been another attack in America. And thank God for that. The reason that there have been no more terrorist attacks in America is because Terrorist Attack Central understands that other attacks would quickly send Americans into hysteria and demand that the war in Iraq end and that the troops come home to defend them against the "islamofascists" in the homeland, which wasn't all that secure after all. But what works just as well is to nip this plot and that plot in the bud and getting the press from that. Kind of makes giving up all those freedoms seem worthwhile, doesn't it.

This situation exists in America because of people like you, AL. Slogan spouting puffball "patriots" that would shit themselves into a coma if they ever really did face an Al Queda that really was a terrorist threat to America.

As for Canadians, if we ever experience a terrorist attack, we will know it originated in Washington, rather than Tora Bora. And we will know that this Vichy Conservative son of a bitch we have for Prime Minister will have approved it to further his one world one God philosophy that he shares with the international war criminal you have for a president, a man real presidents like Jefferson and Lincoln and Roosevelt would long ago have put in front of a firing squad.

You can't even arrest Calvin Ayre, for Christ's sake, and stop him from ripping off a few thousand Americans stupid enough to still have their money in Bodog. If you can't arrest a guy who taunts your government and your people by laughing about breaking your laws and not paying taxes, how you gonna get Osama?
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