The NFL refs are all part time, by that I mean the money they make is extra above and beyond whatever their day jobs pay. In almost every case the refs are high salaried business men. There has been a lot of talk about hiring refs who do nothing but referee. This would allow them to practice and watch film etc. during the week between games. So far it is only talk. So the rewards of a say 10 dime payoff is in no way worth the risk to any of these guys. The vetting process is extensive, they are all well respected men in different careers other than being NFL refs. Take a guy who is a high ranking exec in a big firm, as many refs are, is he going to risk his whole existence, to make what to him, is small change? I doubt it. btw. College refs are in a similar situation, being part time refs, and full time execs.
Corruption in the NFL may exist in a lot of different areas, like the players well being, there is a lot of feeling about players being used up and discarded quickly especially when injured. Today that problem has gotten less severe with an excellent retirement program in place. Recently I was talking to a guy from Texas who is friends with one of the players in the Cowboy Circle of Fame. He told me the ex-players pension from a past era, was a joke of about $18,000 a year. Team doctors are under pressure to get injured players back on the field as soon as possible. I have a book by ex-Raider team doctor and Harvard grad Rob Huizenga MD. The book is called "Your're OKAY it's just a BRUISE" and is an expose about some of the things team doctors, trainers, coaches, and especially owners do to get players back on the field. Good read. Anyway, the main problem with the NFL imo. is the ethics of the owners. Some are fine, probably most, others are of dubious nature. Do I think that there is point shaving today in the NFL? No, as I have already explained. Is the league lilly white? Absolutely not.