The confederate flag isn't "banned" numbskull. They are removing it from government buildings. I doubt profane or violent rap is played there either. Feel free to fly the flag on your car all day long. Of course you'll be looked at in the same manner as the idiot blasting obscene rap at 100 decibels.So if the Conf Flag means hate and violence , when is rap music being banned?
Lmao, whatever you want to tell yourself to make you sleep at night. Everyone knows why he waved around a confederate flag instead of a John Deere flag, lol. Nice try though. I just hope you guys don't do something stupid and the North has to whoop that ass again! Progressives will always win.
the Civil War ended 150 years ago, racial relations improved exponentially every decade until we elected a race baiting president
the flag is a symbol of Southern Pride, nobody condones slavery in 2015 and we should just stop pretending otherwise
it's almost has stupid has wanting to force the Redskins to change their name
people who keep bringing this nonsense up keep creating more victims, they're the ones fueling racism, they're the ones keeping it front and center
racism would wither on the vine without them constantly stoking the flames
live and let live, do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may. Be proud of the person you are, you'll have nothing to worry about at the end of the day
AND stop worrying about what some idiot may say or think
the Civil War ended 150 years ago, racial relations improved exponentially every decade until we elected a race baiting president
the flag is a symbol of Southern Pride, nobody condones slavery in 2015 and we should just stop pretending otherwise
it's almost has stupid has wanting to force the Redskins to change their name
people who keep bringing this nonsense up keep creating more victims, they're the ones fueling racism, they're the ones keeping it front and center
racism would wither on the vine without them constantly stoking the flames
live and let live, do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may. Be proud of the person you are, you'll have nothing to worry about at the end of the day
AND stop worrying about what some idiot may say or think
the Civil War ended 150 years ago, racial relations improved exponentially every decade until we elected a race baiting president
the flag is a symbol of Southern Pride, nobody condones slavery in 2015 and we should just stop pretending otherwise
it's almost has stupid has wanting to force the Redskins to change their name
people who keep bringing this nonsense up keep creating more victims, they're the ones fueling racism, they're the ones keeping it front and center
racism would wither on the vine without them constantly stoking the flames
live and let live, do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may. Be proud of the person you are, you'll have nothing to worry about at the end of the day
AND stop worrying about what some idiot may say or think
Yeah it's gone