Joey, you mentioned that you 'read here' that all the employees were made whole. Could you please point me in that direction? And more importantly(since a stray post here means nothing, as you surely know), since you are so fond of bets, and so in the know, whaddya got to put up on whether their employees were paid in full? Or perhaps it doesn't matter, as you so skillfully pointed out in the other thread? It's just business, right?
Butternuts, you're a clown who has never had a single word to say about the gambling business. You're a joke, buddy. Just keep posting your little pictures and for your sake I hope Joey C. never stops short.
RPM, you're a drone, guy. If there could be a more boring, clueless poster/ moderator in this universe than you(other than dante and general) , then color me pink. I;m glad that you found shrinkages post funny. What a surprise. What some people won't do for their little nickel betting account per month.
Do any of you ever get a sense of what incredible dorks you are? What with your 'welcome back butternuts(after 2 days)', 'I love Joey C', 'I nominate this as Uncle Butternuts day', 'thank god McIrish is here' threads and the like?
Yeah, I didn't think so.