As a moderate Republican/Roman-Catholic/former US Army 11-B, that crossed party-lines in a presidential election for the first time ever today, what I find amazing about voters in this election is that it will be won on the "defense issue" and "abortion/faith-based initiatives"..
How is it that a guy that led troops under fire in a floating target on narrow rivers, is weak on defense, yet the guy that dad got into an over-strengthed/100%+ national guard unit, then skipped drill for 20 months, is the only candidate capable as the C&C/military leader?..I am pro the UBL chase in Afghanstan, yet anti Iraq Part-Two (however, was AOK with Bush Sr on liberating Kuwait, though a semi-wasted effort at Saddam)..
How is it that elections since 1972/Roe v.Wade are decided by one's stance on abortion, when the same amount of deaths happen daily/yearly for 32 years, regardless of one's stance and party-affiliation, yet the pipe dream of loading up the Supreme Court just right, then praying for one of it's rare overturns, wins presidential elections quite often..yes, I am anti-abortion..and so is "Kerry The Catholic", yet he needs to pander to free-choicers & gays as a key voting block of his party(just as do Reps on corporate welfare affairs via PAC money)..
I really enjoyed serving under Bush Sr, but the whodathunkit of it all, is that his nepotistic son, fumbling at most turns in career life, could win our nation's top office twice, when his father the war-hero/solid businessman/CIA man/excellent VP/underrated Prez couldn't win as incumbent..only in America, only in America!
The Liberals to the Left & Greedy Corporate Welfare to The Right, with both backloading bills and props with pork-barrel politics and partisan cronyism, are what has America generally showing up for elections at about a 40% turnout, despite today's great showing..alienated and disenfranchised are what the majority feels..they lack a voice..both sides have forgotten that the vast majority of us are compassionate moderates from both parties, forced to whore to agendas that don't really properly represent the majority of us.
Whomever wins today(W) in this election needs to be more like Reagan & Clinton(the two best speakers/motivators of the past 30 yrs), whom both were blessed with somewhat more peacetime economies, yet both had most Americans(OK, maybe not the hardline partisans for both parties) feeling good about the overall situation..and most importantly energized the masses with charasmatic speeches.
Civility must return, as the work ahead is gonna take all of us on working terms at a bare minimum.
I feel a like a bettor that lost betting a monster play against his alma-mater in a national title game, that can at least take the joy his side won the big one, yet with that empty feeling on the inside.
P.S. What does a $10 tax-payer paid Halliburger taste like?..Profiteering?