Just wondering what some of you need to see in order to Wake the fk up?


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Just in the past several years we have seen

A stolen election with EVERY branch of the govt: Legislative, Judicial and Executive collude to undermine a President working for the benefit of our country.

Fbi planting evidence , Cia forging/obfuscating evidence.....the Mockingbird Media lying and working against the people

Governments from around the world collude against the people

A worldwide Medical mafia trying to poison the entire population.
A worldwide Climate mafia trying to convince us to eat bugs and drive electric vehicle that are not worth a shit.
A worldwide Censorship mafia trying to tell us what we can and cant say
A worldwide Demonic mafia tearing away at every fabric of human decency that still exists with their anitfamily, trandsgender, pedoloving agendas

What does it take for some of you ODMFkers to finally wake up ?

When will you realize that the lies didnt start with Trump coming down the escalator, he just exposed them...they have ALWAYS been trying to

When will you stop with the "they wouldnt do that to us, that many people cant be in on it" foolishness

When will you stop with the "must be a coincidence, they just have bad policy" foolishness and realize that NOTHING MAJOR is happening in the world without ORCHESTRATION .

When will you realize the OTHER lies and false flags and hoaxes that have been perpetrated upon us in our lifetimes and beyond?"

Those who claim to support Trump do not do him justice by denying the very EVIL that he is sacrificing to expose.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Don't believe him?

Everything Mags just wrote can be heard in this Trump speech, right in front of you.


:an_laugh: "Policy Policy Policy" wanna quacker? 🤡😂
Sep 12, 2022
Just in the past several years we have seen

A stolen election with EVERY branch of the govt: Legislative, Judicial and Executive collude to undermine a President working for the benefit of our country.

Fbi planting evidence , Cia forging/obfuscating evidence.....the Mockingbird Media lying and working against the people

Governments from around the world collude against the people

A worldwide Medical mafia trying to poison the entire population.
A worldwide Climate mafia trying to convince us to eat bugs and drive electric vehicle that are not worth a shit.
A worldwide Censorship mafia trying to tell us what we can and cant say
A worldwide Demonic mafia tearing away at every fabric of human decency that still exists with their anitfamily, trandsgender, pedoloving agendas

What does it take for some of you ODMFkers to finally wake up ?

When will you realize that the lies didnt start with Trump coming down the escalator, he just exposed them...they have ALWAYS been trying to

When will you stop with the "they wouldnt do that to us, that many people cant be in on it" foolishness

When will you stop with the "must be a coincidence, they just have bad policy" foolishness and realize that NOTHING MAJOR is happening in the world without ORCHESTRATION .

When will you realize the OTHER lies and false flags and hoaxes that have been perpetrated upon us in our lifetimes and beyond?"

Those who claim to support Trump do not do him justice by denying the very EVIL that he is sacrificing to expose.
Maga Buddy,

The majority of people, over 98% of the population, ARE NEVER GOING TO WAKE UP. And the reason is BAD WILL.

That's just the way it is.

The Bible spells it out clearly, saying God allows people of bad will to believe lies.

Basically, if someone is hellbent on eternal damnation, and almost everyone on earth is, then there's very little that you or anyone else can do to save them.

It's sad, I know, but God is the creator. A very small number of people He has preordained to seek the truth and achieve eternal salvation. And the rest are all going to hell. A hell of their own making.

Dec 13, 2007
Maggie announcing again he's more enlightened than your average conspiracy guy.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Maga Buddy,

The majority of people, over 98% of the population, ARE NEVER GOING TO WAKE UP. And the reason is BAD WILL.

That's just the way it is.

The Bible spells it out clearly, saying God allows people of bad will to believe lies.

Basically, if someone is hellbent on eternal damnation, and almost everyone on earth is, then there's very little that you or anyone else can do to save them.

It's sad, I know, but God is the creator. A very small number of people He has preordained to seek the truth and achieve eternal salvation. And the rest are all going to hell. A hell of their own making.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
That video is Trump at his best, circa 2016.
Donald Trunp was never a politician or idealogue. In fact, most of his career as a successful billionaire real estate tycoon he donated to both parties and got along with pretty much everyone.

He is many things, but above all else, a very successful businessman. Meaning, he would have never ran for president only to end up as another 4-8 year R or D sock puppet. Never would have wasted his time and energy without a realistic workable plan in front of him 👉Operation "Drain the Swamp"

Trump was asked to run for that reason. As he said in the video, "I knew this day would come, it was only a question of when.. "

Oh really? He knew all along?

Is this why he created The Apprentice and took on various roles in pro wrestling which helped him build a national profile as a personable popular TV star? It's starting to seem that way.

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
Does it really matter who gets elected.? What is going to really change.? The left media will stay and grow with a Trump win. The reality is more leading by executive orders . We are the longest surviving republic in history with free individual thinking. Doesn’t matter who in office having power is all that seems to matter. The left created Trump who is now a martyr

Sep 20, 2017
Not an issue of understanding it is an issue of knowing how and what to do to change things. People with power change those who are in power and that often means violence in order to do it. The only other option is to not allow it in the first place. Which is also complicated. It is why empires fall. People who are fat and happy just live their lives and don't want risk.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
I can believe in some things.
But not the ones where people died.
How can 911 be a hoax? The challenger? Sandy Hook?
Sep 12, 2022
I can believe in some things.
But not the ones where people died.
How can 911 be a hoax? The challenger? Sandy Hook?
911 wasn't a hoax. People died. The hoax is the cover story of airplanes knocking down buildings, Osama bin Laden, no prior knowledge, Building 7's collapse, etc.

The Challenger and Sandy Hook are obvious hoaxes where no one died. The book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook by Jim Fetzer is a good source of information. So are the posts on this forum by Sheriff Joe, MagaKing, Expoited, Stevie Ray, Redeye, SBD, and others.

Identical to the virus hoax, everyone who has studied the issue agrees 100% that Sandy Hook was a hoax, and everyone who hasn't studied the issue agrees 100% that it was real.

This video isn't bad, but leaves a lot out. https://ugetube.com/watch/sandy-hoo...-barry-soetoro-quot-2017_ttxgUT7wpaAULZn.html

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
How can one know when someone has died when there is zero proof of such given?

They wouldnt make up deaths or kill people for real right....like shoving old sick people together in nursing homes....misclassifying motorcycle accidents as covid death...forcing mRNA on people........you know stuff like that.

They would never do that to us....oh wait

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Lots of folks STILL dont understand what PSYOPS are.

Of course they work , since so many of you will deny your own eyes and ears and GOD given sense of what makes sense and what doesnt if
the Authorities Figures tell you otherwise.

Lots of you who think you are awake on a couple issues continue to be GASLIT on sooo many others.

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