Don't agree. His family has the right to know what caused his death if they want.
Whats embarrassing about it? Young Rich Guy got Drunk and High and went for a Boat Ride. Died. Tragedy is not lessened or made greater just cuz he ingested some substances.
Jim Morrison got Fat, grew a beard, OD'd on Heroin wound up in a bathtub dead. Totally not embarrassing at all and if that wasn't certainly getting high then barreling into some impossible to see Rocks on a dark dark night isn't embarrassing.
Maybe this will give other athletes "pause" to consider?
The cocaine played zero roll - in fact when drinking it makes u straighten out - the alcohol and the environment caused the accident - there are no lights at the entrance to the bay and it is near impossible of see the rocks - alcohol impaired the judgemental and you need to slow down 100 yards offshore - every time I come in when it's dark I think it's dangerous and not even drinking
Whats embarrassing about it? Young Rich Guy got Drunk and High and went for a Boat Ride. Died. Tragedy is not lessened or made greater just cuz he ingested some substances.
Jim Morrison got Fat, grew a beard, OD'd on Heroin wound up in a bathtub dead. Totally not embarrassing at all and if that wasn't certainly getting high then barreling into some impossible to see Rocks on a dark dark night isn't embarrassing.
Maybe this will give other athletes "pause" to consider?